Chapter twenty-nine

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~ snake speaker~
§parser tongue human speaker§
/Parseltongue writing/

Maeve reached the Great Hall, pausing at the door to smooth out her robes before walking in. Smirking as all eyes were on her, little Granger even waved at her with a bright smile. Maeve nodded, feeling particularly amused at the annoyed glare Dumbledore shot her. It must be upsetting, losing a pawn to the other side.

She reached the Slytherin table, smiling sweetly at her friends as she sat down beside Draco. "Let's eat and then make our way to the Library, I have much to discuss."

They nodded, never ones to disagree with what their lady is saying.

"Here you go, I've piled enough vegetables and proteins, you'll need all the energy for later." Draco informed, handing her a plate filled with mostly greens and meat. He slid her a slice of Treacle tart. "Eat this as well, sugar is good in small portions. It will give you an added energy boost.”

Theo snorted, nearly choking on his piece of chicken. He swallowed before teasingly poking the blond. "I bet you learnt that through some book, what book did you read, huh? What book, Draco?"

The pale blond flushed a deep red, shoving the laughing boy away from himself. "Shut up, you dolt!"

Daphne sighed as she took a sip of her tea, sharing a look with Blaise as Maeve watched in amusement. "Ugh, boys." She said, blonde strands flailing as she shook her head.

"Alright, that's enough," Maeve cut in, she was sure that if she allowed those two to bicker Daphne would hex them. She didn't need an angry Daphne or pained boys. "Finish eating so we can go."

"Darling queen!" The familiar voices of her twins called out to her, she looked behind and saw them running in her direction.

Maeve smiled softly at her boys. "Twins, where have you two been?”

"Planning the greatest prank known to man, of course." George beamed, nudging his twin and sitting down beside Draco.

"It'll go down in history as the most memorable moment of our Hogwarts lives." Fred chimed in, scooting in a spot between Theo and Blaise.

Blaise stared at the two before deciding to just focus on his food while Theo waited for them to continue. "Well? What's the prank?"

"It's not ready of course," Fred said, smiling amused.

"But when it is, you all will be the first to know." George finished, huffing a laugh at the annoyed look that crossed the younger boy's face.

"Have you both eaten?" Maeve asked, cutting their teasing short.

George wrapped his arms around Blaise and Theo, a grin curling at pink lips. "Of course love, we smuggled food from the Kitchens. House elves were happy to help.”

"Good," Maeve stood, glancing at her friends. "If everyone else is done, let's go." She turned to her housemates and snapped her fingers for their attention. "We'll be heading to the library, if you have nothing to do rest but if you have homework, get it done now so you have no worries during the feast. If you need help, you all know where we'll be."

She smiled and walked away with her friends. Neville and Cedric left their respective tables to join them. She'd already been informed that Lee Jordan would be busy serving detention with Professor Sprout and would join them later, so she didn't bother waiting for anyone.


The library was emptier than expected but Maeve supposed the other students were either preparing for the feast or resting before class. Not that she truly cared, it was nice not having to worry about someone eavesdropping. Maeve led her group to their designated table and took a seat at the center, the rest followed along in their own order.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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