A Monarchical Cringe Fest!

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ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴅᴀʏ

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ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴅᴀʏ.

The hissing of water running from the sink bellowed out from the bathroom. The morning was peaceful, sun poking through the curtains, the light brightening the rooms with an orange hue. A natural lullaby sung by the birds just outside the house, bringing sweet melancholy to Y/n's ears. She couldn't help but softly smile at the tenderness of the day. After completing her daily morning routine, our protagonist deeply exhaled. Her freshly cold face and minty breathe made her feel nice and clean.

Y/n's attention soon stuck within the mirror of her reflection. Her eyes blankly blinked back, staring into the irises of her own soul. She seemed to do that a lot.

It will pay off in the end, Y/n. You are here with me, right now.

She parts her lips,

If you're ever feeling down, that's okay because I'll be here feeling with you.

A fond smile made its way onto her lips.

Because right now, you're not alone.

"Not anymore." Y/n leaned away from the bathroom mirror. She hummed to herself while reaching to open the bathroom door. Upon doing so she was greeted by Valerie just about to burst into the door. Our reader jumped at her friend's sudden appearance, "Fucking christ--may I help you?"

"Guess what?" Valerie ignored her question, grinning.

Y/n took a second to analyze the state her friend was in, for pure amusement. A bright pink headband with a bow to hold up her bangs, revealing her bare face. Her hair itself looked like it combusted during her sleep and she only managed to have one slipper on which she probably lost the other from running over. The fit goes hard if only the right slipper lasted through the trenches, F.

"What?" Y/n finally responded, snorting at Valerie's blatant messiness.


"Fo real? How much?!"

"I don't know but enough to use half to save and the other half to buy whatever the fuck we want!" Valerie cheered, fist-pumping into oblivion.

Y/n lazily leaned against the doorframe whilst crossing her arms, "Money is technically useless here ya know. Don't know how long we'll be here, so why bother buying stuff for ourselves?"

"Shhhh," Valerie lifted a finger, "Don't ruin this historical moment. Now move, I needa get ready!"

Y/n can only chuckle as she let the shorty through.

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