The Sun, The Sea, The Sun of a Beach!

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"Damn never mind that's a lot of baggage, Y/n-chan"

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"Damn never mind that's a lot of baggage, Y/n-chan". ᕼOᑎEY KIᑕKEᗪ ᕼIᔕ feet in the air, licking off any remaining frosting on his lips.

"I know right," I sighed and whacked my head against the small round table we were sitting at. The various treats almost toppled over at the collision, yet it left both of us unfazed. Did I just impulsively trauma dumped on this 4'10 ft 3rd year? Yes. Listen, I half trauma dumped-- mostly just about family complications such as my mom's: negligence, religious authority, and also that time I got kicked out because she found out I dated a girl that happened to be my best friend at the time--

"Wait, you what?!" Honey exclaimed, widening his eyes and leaning forward. I immediately shush the blonde by slapping my sweaty hand over his mouth, much to his dismay. I noticed several of the club members either glance in suspicion or just ignored us cos I always be pulling sum shit tbh.

It was just about closing time and we were cleaning up after the guests and whatnot-- well everyone else was except for Honi and me, who was sitting in the corner eating desserts. I exhaled and sat back down in my seat while Honey made a face bc of my palm. "Yes, Honi. I did pick my manipulative mother over my 5-year friendship AND 2-week dating relationship. Did we leave off on less than friendly terms? Yes. Do I regret it? Everyday..." I solemnly looked to the floor before abruptly slamming my fist on the table and did the bruh motion with my hand towards Honi, "TO BE FAIR I really did not want to get kicked out a second time and have my mom gaslight the fuck out of me about choosing the devil or some shit over her."

I saw Honey nod in understanding. I shook my head, "I already had to hear her hours of pointless rambles about testimonies and shit plus at that moment I was grateful she didn't resort to violence like I feared, Hallelujah I suppose."

"I mean she shouldn't even be pushing that stuff onto you..." Honey took a bite out of his cake.

"Yeah, any sane person says that!" I ruffled my hair in frustration, "Enough about my mommy issues though" I angrily took a bite out of my chocolate cake, "This cake is so delicious, fuck!" Crocodile tears proceeded to spill down my cheeks as Honey only watched in what I presumed is in pity. "Y/n-chan, Y/n-chan," He tsked "Listen from what I can tell, you did what you thought was right given the circumstances at the time..." Honi started playing with Usa-chan, "Did that inevitably damage and presumably ruin the only positive thing you had at the time which was your relationship with the girl? Totally! It's okay though!"

"NO, IT'S NOT WAAAH!" I once again thumped but head against the table and I heard Honey flinch and shuffle from ahead, "I MEAN! Hey, it's not a lost cause! Maybe you can reconnect and rekindle the relationship again!"

"This happened in 9th grade." My voice muffled out from my head still being smushed by the table. Honey chuckled nervously, "I mean it happened a while back so it's a better chance to apologize without the wounds being too fresh, you know?"

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