6 Feet Apart, Hoes

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    AFTER TAMAKI revealed his dumbass plan for next week's dance, Haruhi asked if we could walk to the train station together afterward

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    AFTER TAMAKI revealed his dumbass plan for next week's dance, Haruhi asked if we could walk to the train station together afterward. I agreed and we both walked off together. It's been fairly silent, but it was eventually broken by the sound of her voice.


I look down at her, "So?"

I see her stare at the ground questionably, a finger relaxed on the tip of her chin,

"Do you identify as a guy or girl?...I'm only asking because I don't want to mess up your pronouns, heh."

Haruhi looks up with her big ass eyes. Bro, deadass, she's pretty as fuuuuuck. Anyways, I lift my brows in amusement. Of course, she figured it out. A smile slowly crept onto my lips and I shrugged,

"I honestly don't care, but I'm biologically female. I'm kinda curious when the host club is gonna figure it out, so just refer to me as a guy at school. Just wanna know how long it'll take hehe..."

From the corner of my eye, I see her sweatdrop. She complies and we both get on the train.


I wield the door to my house open and groaned. I hear my mother greet me and I reply with another groan much to her dismay. I hobble my way up and into my room, not bothering to take off my uniform and hurling my bag on the floor. I throw myself face-first onto my bed and exhaled loudly.

"I feel like a limp dick."

My door gets kicked open and I don't bother moving from my position.



I hear my mom yell something unintelligible for my ears but heard Valerie yell an apology before shutting the door. She strolls in and sits on my bed while I still have yet to move a muscle.

"It's the party episode."


I turn my head to look at her, "The party. Remember? The host club is hosting this formal dance party n' shit next week. We have to go."

"WE? Ajsnfejrnof-- Who said I'm going?"

I glared at her, "Me, I'm who."

Valerie only looked at me weirdly, but then put her hair behind her ear and smirked, "Will I be able to dance with the twinnsss?"

I sighed and closed my eyes, "Dumbass you can hardly finish a sentence around them.."

I said and I hear her gasp and defend herself. After a minute, she pipes up again, "Shit what about our clothes?"

My eyes shoot open and I slowly sit up. My hand rests on my head, as I tiredly eye the girl as if she's dumb,

"They gonna give me a suit, but I don't know bout you. Also, how the FUCK are you gonna get money to pay off debt? I know our mama ain't gonna give us shit."

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