Get Crazy Yuh Get Stupid

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Bringing a group of rich boys to a thrift store was unsurprisingly a bad idea

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Bringing a group of rich boys to a thrift store was unsurprisingly a bad idea. Though they seemed to be enjoying themselves as they awed and gaped at all the clothes that were cheaply priced and of goodish quality. They acted as if the small thrift store was a playground for the teens, given they took the opportunity to run through the isles of clothes. The rich bitches grabbed random ass things and admired the price of one shitty shirt for six dollars, which in my opinion was expensive as fuck for an ugly ass shirt.

"STOP GRABBING SHIT!" I yelled, sounding like a parent bout to beat their kids' ass.

"But look (y/n)-chan! It's five dollars!" Honey exclaimed, stars twinkling in his eyes as he shoved a bright yellow shirt in my direction.

"I don't care, dude, put that shit back it has a stain," I demanded as I pointed at the rack of clothes Honey had grabbed the shirt from.

"Okay," Honey sighed sadly as he put the piece of clothing away among the other shirts. Mori, who stood by Honey's side, mumbled something as he comforted Honey. Though I couldn't hear what he was muttering about, I was quickly pulled by a pair of hands into a different direction. My head fr was about to snap the fuck off with how quickly I looked at the person who grabbed me and pulled my body so harshly. Turns out it was the blonde prince of the club I was forced to join.

"(Y/n)! Look at this dress I found! Don't you think it'll look cute on Haruhi!" The energetic blonde held up a midlength dress that was a faded pink color with little roses adorning the fabric, the straps were thin and looked a little stretched out. It wasn't that bad of a pick for the blonde who wears ugly designer clothes but I highly doubt Haruhi would wear the dress, especially for the dumb blonde.

I made a face, "Would it look cute on Haruhi? Yeah. Would she like it? Naur. The second option should be highly considered when picking out clothes for our dear friend, Prince." I slowly took the dress and put it back, much to his dismay. I sighed, recalling the episode Tamaki tried to ask Haruhi to wear a dress for him. Meanwhile, I could hear the chaotic voices of the other club members next to me, Valerie's grumbled words of determination reaching my ears faintly.

My words seemed to go over Tamaki's fucking blonde wig as he saw the brown-haired girl in the distance and quickly grabbed the dress I just put back and ambushed her, "Haruhi! Look at this dress I found, could you possibly try it on?" Tamaki spoke with a nervous quiver in his voice and half of his face hiding behind the pink fabric. A faint pinkness tinted both his cheeks and nose while staring at Haruhi expectedly, his expression reminding me of a puppy.

"No thanks, senpai," Haruhi spoke flatly as she made a small 'x' with her pointer fingers. The twins, who weren't that far away, let out a burst of annoying laughter at her refusal. Shouting out teasing words directed towards their embarrassing king of the club.

Tamaki bursts out in a dramatic display of heartbreak as he clutched the fabric over his heart and swooned, falling onto the dirty floor of the store. I laughed at the expected refusal of Haruhi and the dramatic rich boy who sobbed on the floor of the thrift store. I was reminded of where we were and what we were supposed to be doing when a faint cough was heard from the direction of the check-out. Snapping my head in the direction I saw a tired clerk who looked done with our shit at 2 AM.

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