There's a Ghost in the TV!

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1 AM


My eyes peeled open tiredly as I slowly try to blink away the blurriness from my vision. Confusion soon seeped in as I realized I wasn't in my bed. I groaned and move my head, only to feel a sharp sting stab throughout my neck.

'I must have fallen asleep while trying to do my homework. Damn online school work. Damn quarantine.'

Lifting my head up, I swat away the damn paper that managed to get stuck on my cheek. Looking at the few papers scribbled with notes, I grimaced seeing my drool all over it. A sigh escaped my lips as a yawn followed after. Picking up my phone at the side of my desk, I saw that it was 1:10 AM.

'Great. I didn't even finish my fucking homework.'

I bitterly thought before debating on whether or not I should continue the work. My eyes trailed over to the black screen on my computer before I quickly closed it shut and stood up from the uncomfortable chair.

"I pretend I do not see the google classroom notifications"

I said to myself before stretching and dragging myself to the unkept mattress lying on the ground called my bed. I slowly tucked myself in and closed my eyes, letting sleep take over me.

However, my body is a bitch and never listens to me.

I groaned loudly once I changed positions for like the 20th time and yanked the bedsheets off of me. Usually, once I wake up, it takes a while for me to go back to sleep. That's just how it be, not to mention my insomnia is pretty gnarly. I slumped in my sitting position and squinted my eyes to lock my gaze on my clock setting on the desk.

2:16 AM

"Fuck dammit."

I whispered before vibing on my bed thinking about what to do. 'Well, watching shit on my phone usually makes me sleepy hmm...' Soon coming to a decision, I nodded and get up from my bed.

"Lemme get that milky juice uwu I need it to fall asweep owo"

I muttered to myself while snickering and opening my bedroom door. Expertly walking to the kitchen and getting my drink proved no obstacle for me because alas not only am I superior to everyone to ever breathe but my parents are knocked out cold from working practically all day. As I casually opened my door and took a long sip of my milk, I decided on rewatching one of my all-time favorite anime.

Ouran HighSchool Host Club.

I decided I was going to watch it on my small ass TV cos I was currently texting my friend. I sat on my bed and leaned against the wall, grabbing the controller and clicking on Netflix. After taking another sip of my milk, I set it on the small dresser next to me. I saw my friend Valerie has responded.

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