Beware The--WHAT??

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"Hey, what the hell?!"

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"Hey, what the hell?!"

The abrupt sound of the door shutting caused me to wince. I sat on the bed staring at my mom in bewilderment,

"What--What are you doing?"

Her body twists to face me. I felt my stomach drop from seeing the look on her face, I knew something was wrong. I knew I did something wrong. I open my mouth to speak again but was instead cut off by her voice,

"What's wrong with you?!"

I blinked, "...huh?"

"Don't act stupid! I went through your phone--"

My brows furrow, I felt a mixture of anger and dread wash over me. I try to defend myself,

"Why are you going through my phone--!"

"SHUT UP! You don't speak to your mother that way!"

I recoil and shut my mouth. Her figure appears to grow taller as she continues speaking,

"What you've done is abominable. I've told you many times that being with another woman is sinful!"

I don't see a problem, yet I feel like I did something wrong.

"Since you obviously didn't listen, you're just as bad as them. I want you to leave her and repent on what you've done!"

"N-no...I won't. I like her mom! It's not my fault I feel this way! I didn't choose--"

"If you won't listen to me then you can't live under my roof."

"What?! Are you serious?! I--I didn't--"

She stood towering over me. Her eyes are completely different like she was looking at something horrible. Her eyes held disappointment. I was a failure. I feel myself shake. I feel so small.

"Y/n, I'm not going to tell you again. You have two options, leave her or leave me."

My heart thumps against my chest, I feel like it's going to burst out. I hope it was a joke, I hope she's bluffing. She wouldn't do that, would she? She wouldn't kick me out just because I was dating a girl,

Would she?

She's my mom. She loves me. She won't do that to me, right? Of course not. If I just try to make her understand,

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