So Much For a Day Off

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ᗰY EYEᔕ IᑎᔕᑭEᑕT the perpetual bumps embellishing the ceiling above me

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ᗰY EYEᔕ IᑎᔕᑭEᑕT the perpetual bumps embellishing the ceiling above me. Nothing else seemed to interest me more than the popcorn surface above as it deceives my vision into seeing the several figures I pretend to outline with the tip of my finger. Curious. I find my actions silly as it reminds me of when I was a child. After a few seconds of repeating the same actions, I end up getting bored and sitting up from my bed.

I decided to take the day off of school today. I mean, everyone needs a break, right? The last day's events took a bigger toll than expected on me and now I intend to rest up in the comfort of my home. I was the lucky one to stay since my mom only allowed one of us to do so. My thoughts trailed from one idea to another as I deeply wondered about what I should do to make use of my day off.

I crossed my legs, apple sauce style, and pursed my lips to think better and harder. Nothing came up though but I am hungry as fuck so, raiding the fridge shalt thou be the first mission. Satisfied, I nodded curtly to myself and made my way to the kitchen double cheeked up with my ass cheeks flapping everywhere.

As I made it to my destination, I checked the clock and saw it was 12:30 PM. I deeply exhaled and noted my mom would probably get home from work soon since she has the morning shift today.

"Hello sexy," I called out to the fridge as I dramatically cranked that bitch open and regretted it when I almost caused the half-sticking-out carton of eggs to fall from the sheer strength I bestowed, "OH FUCK!" I hissed out but managed to catch it before it fell to its mortal demise. WEE YEW-- is that what the white folk say? Idk do I look privileged? Just as I concluded there was no food worth eating in the fridge a nice vibration from my pocket informed me I had a message.

I whipped out my Hello Kitty flip phone and noticed the message came from Yuri. Yuri?

Yuu-chan: hiii Y/n! are you ate school today?

Yuu-chan: at*** oops >_>'

Me: hi yuri, no I stayed home today why whats up?

Raising my brow, I shut the refrigerator door and made my way onto the couch in the living room. I wonder if she needed something, GASP-- you think it's about the party? Wait, who am I talking to? Oh, Yuri texted back!

Yuu-chan: oh nothing it can wait when I see you!

Yuu-chan: wait why did you stay home? are you okay are you sick? 0_0'

Me: no I'm okay lol just needed the day off u know?? dw bout me ;)

Yuu-chan: if u say okay ttyl!

Me: ttyl :D

I shook off the slight anxiousness from the convo, hopefully, she doesn't remember anything about the party. Well, at least the part about me not entirely being a dude...MAN!

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