Oh Shit, Word?

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"Yeah, nah"

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"Yeah, nah"

I shifted my position in the fancy chair, half lidded eyes boring into Mr. Suoh's own. He was talking about the uniforms we were required to wear and handed us these god awful yellow dresses. Now listen, I wouldn't mind if they were normal school clothes, like a skirt and a shirt, but naw.

These dresses put bananas to shame. Fuck, they're insults to bananas. At least bananas taste good!

"Hm? Is there something the matter?"

I glanced over to my right and saw Valerie staring at her uniform in terror. I smirked and looked back at the chairman.

"Um..Mr. Suoh, I don't mean to be a bother but...I can't wear this atrocity."

'Big brain words.'

I thought while biting back the urge to laugh when I saw Valerie flinch and glare at me. The chairman cocked an eyebrow and a small smirk formed on his lips,

"Oh? And why is that?"

I put on my best stoic face I can shit out and placed my hand onto my chest, gripping the cloth ever so tenderly.

"It's because....

I'm terribly allergic to dresses!"


In one swift motion, I kicked Valerie's knees which caused her to yelp and shut her mf mouth. She whined while massaging her poor kneecaps. I smiled innocently at Mr. Suoh as his eyes bore into my own. After a couple of seconds, we both flinched when he stood up dramatically and clutched his own chest. We saw literal sparkles surrounding the man and I swore a few rose petals fell onto my head. What the fuck.

"Well, of course! Here at Ouran Academy we have the pleasure of providing our students with the best of services we have to offer. Not to mention, we're lucky enough to have two impeccable honor students attending here, I'm sure we can find another way to get you comfo--"

I felt Valerie lean towards me, whispering low enough for the chairman not notice while in the middle of his rambling.

"What is he talking about? Are we really supposed to be honor students?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? I still do math with my fingers!"

"I don't have a good feeling about this, Y/n"

Suddenly, Mr. Suoh clasps his hands together getting both of our attention.

"Y/n, Would you be comfortable wearing the boy's uniform?"

I stood up and stuck my hand out to grab the man's hand. As he shook it, a smirk made its way onto my lips,

"Yes please, thank you~"

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