The Contract of a High School Host!

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The sound of their voices is muffled by the noise blasting through my earbuds. I pay no mind, I don't care about their conversations. Their noise—their words—are pollution to my ears. Fucking garbage. Just as I ignore them, they do the same to me. My presence means nothing to them. Sometimes, within the depths of my chest, it hurts. Jealousy seethes within me as my stinging eyes watch once familiar faces glance at me. Judgment is glazed behind those eyes. What? Is there something on my face?

Glances are all I got when I trotted through those suffocating halls, I see several of them recognize me and I make sure they remember me once I look back. Walking through those deafening humid halls were the worst part of my day. They all towered over me no matter how much I tried to look tall. In the end, I felt like nothing more than a fragile bug waiting to get stomped on. No one ever looked at me for a good reason—or any reason at all. I wasn't much to look at, so it's not like I stood out or anything. I was just alone. Where ever I went, no one ever stood by my side. It's as if I didn't exist at all, at least that's how I felt.


And it was suffocating.


Valerie barged into the house announcing her arrival to our supposed family. Looking at them as we sat down and ate felt foreign no matter how familiar the situation wanted to be in my brain. I absentmindedly looked down at the small bowl of rice clutched into my hand, my eyes trailed across the chips and scratches it held. 'Seeing everything so simple yet detailed still fucks me up'

I thought, before digging my chopsticks into the food and shoving it into my mouth. I tune back into the chatters coming from my family.

"Y/n, how about you?"


I snapped out of whatever daze I was in as I looked up at my mother. Her eyes squinted in suspicion before shaking her head.

"You never listen to a word I say to you, huh? Is something wrong? Did you go to sleep late again?"

The newfound motherliness surprised me for a second, but I quickly shoved it away and smiled.

"No, I went to sleep early I swear! Just was the first day of school you know."

"Hmm, alright I'll let this one slide, kid. After you eat I want you to do your homework and then sleep early. Valerie, you better let your sister rest well!"

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