𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 3

704 9 15

"I don't think that's Mad Max." Mike says, we're all in the courtyard watching Max on her skateboard. I know, that sounds a little creepy, but we had some serious thinking to do.

She's really good.

"Yeah, girls don't play video games!" Will interjected.

I turn to him, "is that so?" I ask rudely.

"Your different, you know what I meant."

I roll my eyes.

"And even if they did, you can't get 750,000 points on Dig Dug. I mean that's impossible!" Mike replied.

"But her name is Max." Lucas implied.

"So what?"

"So, how many maxes do you know?"

"I don't know."

"Zero, that's how many."

It's true, I haven't met one person named Max in this town, I know I don't talk to a lot of people but in this town, everybody knows everybody.

"Yeah she shows up to school the day after someone with her same name breaks our top score. I mean, you kidding me?" Dustin pointed out.

"Exactly! So she's gotta be Mad Max."

"And plus she skateboards, so she's pretty awesome."

"Yeah, she is." I mumble, not breaking my gaze from her.

"What was that?" Will asked me.

My face flushes as I turn away. "Nothing."

"Awesome? You haven't even spoken a word to her."

"Hey I don't have to. I mean, look at her."

They all look back at where Max was.

"Shit, I've lost the target."

We all turn to look for her.

"Oh! There." Will says.

We see Max walking up the steps to the school, skateboard in hand. She throws a paper ball into the trash can below her and walk into school.

We all look at each other for affirmation and speed towards the trash can.

We all look in the trash can to see what she threw.

Dustin was rummaging through the trash as the rest of us guarded him and awkwardly waved at some girls walking by.

"Got it! There we go." Dustin says as he unfolds the paper.

This is a waste of time, she probably didn't write anything on it. I thought.

But to my dismay, The paper read:

"Stop spying on me CREEPS!"

"Well shit."

I am completely embarrassed. She probably thinks I'm so weird for staring at her. Why did this have to happen? I ruined any chance with her for becoming my friend, or more.

The principal pulls me out of my embarrassing thoughts.

"William Byers. Your mothers here."

I feel really bad for Will. I know how much he has been through, it's horrible. I don't know all the details of what happened to him when he was in the upside-down, but whatever it was, it definitely scarred him. He's my best friend, I don't want to see him suffer like this.

We watch him go into his mothers car.

"You guys think he's ok?" Dustin asks.

"He's always weird when he has to go in."

"I don't know. He's quiet today."

That's true. I thought.

"He's always quiet." Lucas states.

That's also true.

(Time skip)

"Guys I'm home!" I yell as I walk into the house.

"Hey sweetie, your moms still at work, late shifts for her."

My mom and dad both worked at the same diner, That's actually how they first met. My mom loves working there, my dad not so much. He's always wanted to do big things and not be cramped up in a small diner. He says he will always love the diner, but that's not what he wants to do his whole life.

"Ok." I reply as I plop down on the sofa next to him, Brady Bunch playing on the TV.

"You know I've always wanted to go around the world." My dad says as he watches the TV.

"I know dad, you've told me this like a million times." I say while grinning at him.

"Well it's true! I want to go to London, Mexico, France, ooh! I will take you with me! We'll both be drinking coffee on the Eiffel Tower!"

I giggle, "that sounds really nice." I say.

"It does, doesn't it? I promise you one day, I'm taking you to the Eiffel Tower." He sticks out his pinkie for it to be a certified promise.

I smile as I lock our pinkies together.

"Well I have to go put my stuff away, I'm meeting Dustin and Lucas at the arcade later."

"Ok Emmy, love you."

"Love you too dad." I say as I drag my backpack upstairs.

I still have a little time before I have to go to the arcade, I didn't really want to go since the reason we're going to the arcade is to spy on Max. I'm scared to embarrass myself, again.

I sigh as I plop down on my bed.

"A little music wouldn't hurt. Isn't that right sage?" I say to my cat as I scratch her head.

I turn to my nightstand and turn on my radio, Material Girl starts playing.

I lay on my bed as I'm singing the lyrics to the song.

"Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me, I think they're ok. If they don't give me proper credit, I just walk a way."

As I'm jamming out my mind wanders to the redhead, Max.

I haven't come out to anyone as bisexual yet, I'm very scared people won't except me. Not a lot of people are very excepting right now.

And I doubt Max likes girls, I wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable.

But what if she was, just imagine her teaching me how to skateboard, or me reading a book to her while her head is in my lap...

"Emmy, do you copy? Over." Dustin is saying through my walkie-talkie, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I sigh as I turn my radio off and grab my walkie-talkie from my nightstand, "yeah, I copy. Over."

"Well are you coming? Over."

"Yeah I'll be right there, over and out."

I put my shoes back on as I run down the stairs and to the door.

"By dad, I'll be at the arcade!"

"Ok, by Em!"

I walk out the door and hop on my bike.

Please don't let me make a fool of myself.

Hope y'all like this chapter! I know there's not much Max and Emmy stuff going on right now but we're getting to it.

𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧! ~ 𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘧𝘦𝘪𝘭𝘥Where stories live. Discover now