𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 5

551 9 1

Ring...ring....ri- I slam my alarm down before it can annoy me any further.

Wow.. deja vu.

As I slowly pull the covers off of me I realize what day it is. It's Halloween!

I absolutely LOVE Halloween, it's one of if not my favorite Holliday. I love dressing up, going trick or treating with my friends, and candy.

The party is going as the ghost busters, but since there's no girl in that, I thought of something different.

My favorite sport has always been baseball, me and my dad used to play it all the time, and even watched it whenever it played on TV. So this Halloween, I'm dressing up as a baseball player.

I am not wearing it to school though.

Knowing my friends, they are probably going to wear their costumes to school, but I have a bad feeling the rest of the school is going to be dressed normally. And as much of a pussy as I sound, I do not want to be the odd one out.

So, I did my normal morning routine and through on some jeans and a sweater, like always.

I wonder what Max is going to wear for Halloween.

"Emmy! Your going to be late for school!" My mom calls out.

"Sorry mom, I'm coming!"

I grab my backpack and race downstairs.

"You know you probably should wake up earlier, your always on thin ice when you go to school." My mom lectures.

"Mom I can barely even wake up at this time, what makes you think I can wake up earlier?" I laugh.

"Hey, why aren't you wearing your costume?" My mom asks.

"Oh, I just didn't feel like wearing it to school, where's dad?"

"Early shifts for him, he told me to wish you a happy Halloween for him though." She smiles. "So what's the plan for Halloween, same as every year?"

"You guessed it." I answer. "Ok bye mom, love you!"

"Love you too Em! Have a good day!"

And just like that, I am speeding to school.

(Time skip)

I'm pulling up to school as I hear my best friends singing Ghostbusters. I laugh as they pull up right next to me.

"Who you gonna call?" They all sang in synch.

"Ghostbusters!" I hear will join in from behind us.

"Hey, Spengler!"

"Egon! Yeah!"


"Whoa! Whoa!"

"What?" Lucas asks confused.

"Why are you Venkman?"

"Because I'm Venkman."

"No, I'm Venkman."

"Why can't there be two Venkmans?" Will interjects.

"Yeah, it's not that big a deal." I agree.

"Because there's only one Venkman in real life! We planned this months ago. I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stanz, you're Egon, and you're Winston." Mike commands.

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston."

"Yes, you did!"

"I don't think he did." Will interjects again.

"No one wants to be Winston, man."

"What's wrong with Winston?"

"What's wrong with Winston?" Lucas repeats as if it's the stupidest question in the world. "He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!"

"Yeah but he's still cool."

"If he's cool, then you be Winston."

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"B-because..." Mike stutters.

"B-because your not black?" Lucas accuses.

"I didn't say that!"

"You thought it."

"Hey Emmy, why aren't you wearing your costume." Dustin interrupts.

"Yeah I thought you were going as a baseball player." Will adds.

"Oh, I am, I just didn't wanna wear it to school."

"That's too bad Em, your going to be the odd one out because everyone will be wearing a costume." Lucas interjects.

Dustin slowly turns around. "Guys.. guys guys!"

Just as I suspected, a bus was piling out of normal-clothed wearing students. No one wearing a costume.

"Why is no one else wearing costumes?"

"Crap." I hear Lucas mutter.

I slowly turn to the boys with a smirk evident on my face, "you were saying?" I ask mischievously.

All the boys groaned in unison.

As we walk into school we can hear students laughing at us.

"When do people make these decisions?" Dustin asked.

"Everyone dressed up last year." Will states.

"It's a conspiracy I'm telling you."

"Just be cool." Mike commands.

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" A random boy shouts.

Although I'm not wearing my costume, attention was still brought to me considering I'm standing right next to the center of attention. This does not feel good.

As Dustin, Lucas, and I open our lockers, which were close together but sadly not so close to Mike and Will's, we see Max skate down the hallway.

All of our eyes follow her to her locker.

"We gonna do this?" Dustin asks.

"Not right now. We look like morons." Lucas answers.

"Well you guys do, not me." I smirk.

"We get it Emmy."

"Maybe she likes ghostbusters." Dustin pointed out.

"Of course she likes ghostbusters, but that's not the point. The point is, we're dressed up and she isn't."

I'm just silently praising myself for not wearing my costume and not making a fool of myself in front of her.

"I didn't bring regular clothes, did you?" Dustin asked.

"No," Lucas answers.

They both turn to me, "Em, please tell us if you brought extra clothes." They beg.

"Why on earth would I just bring extra clothes? Also you two are boys, you guys wouldn't fit in my clothes." I state.

"Damn it shes right." Dustin sighs. "Then we have no choice, we gotta do this. It's now or never.

I feel knots forming in my stomach thinking about it.

"Right. Lucas agrees.

"Let's engage."

As soon as Dustin says that, Max slams her locker shut and walks off.

The three of us are frozen for a second until I interject.

"We could ask her after class."



And just like that, we're off to class.

Hope y'all liked this chapter! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a minute but I'm going to be giving more chapters shortly!

𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧! ~ 𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘧𝘦𝘪𝘭𝘥Where stories live. Discover now