Chapter 14

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Hopper and Jonathan are looking for a place where Will won't know where he is. Dustin and Lucas are outside helping gather things to use. While Mike, Max, and I are inside also gathering things to use. I won't lie, it is a little awkward. considering Mike doesn't particularly like Max. Let's just say they're not 'buddies'.

"I get why El was your mage now." Max spoke up.

"What?" Mike asks.

"Emmy, she told me all about her." She answered while gesturing towards me.

"Yeah, well, she shouldn't have." He stated while sending a side glare towards me. Making me look down.

"And just because you know the truth doesn't mean you're in our party." He added coldly. "You do know that right?"

"Yeah, I know." She answered with her head hung low. "I mean, why would you want a stupid zoomed in your party anyway?"

Mike only sent her a glance, nothing more. Only just gesturing me for more tape.

I roll my eyes as I hand it to him. "I think it's cool." I mutter for only myself to hear.

"I'm just saying, El? She sounds like she was really awesome." Max says.

"Yeah, she was." Mike certifies. "Until that thing took her."

"Just like it took Bob." I sigh.

Suddenly. Mike gets up and walks away.

Max sighs. "I kinda get why he dislikes me, but it really sucks that he does."

I turn to her. "It really isn't your fault Max. It's just, ever since El vanished, Mike has been really closed off. Not just with random people, but even with the party sometimes as well." I sigh. "Can't say I blame him though. I miss her too." I look down at my hands.

Max gives me a sympathetic smile. "She really was great, huh?"

I look up from my hands. "Yeah, she was."

Max's face turns into an expression I can't read well. Almost like defeat, but not quite. It looks a little bit like anger too, but barely. I turn around to keep on fixing up materials.

(Time skip)

We are all now in a shed, placing everything where it should go. Hanging up blankets and towels on the walls, taping up bits and pieces, setting up lights, the whole deal.

It looks kind of creepy what we have fixed up. I spot Jonathan holding Will's body and placing it down on the chair. Tying him in place. I'm worried for Will. This is one of my best friends. I just hope this works.

After we are done setting it up, they escorted Dustin, Steve, Nancy, Max, Lucas, and I back into the house.

Lucas and Dustin were pacing around while looking out the window, Steve is practicing his bat swinging, Nancy is anxiously biting her nail while standing to the side, and Max and I are in the hallway. My back facing one wall and her back facing the wall in front of me.

"If he finds out where we are..." Max starts. "Will he send those dogs after us?"

"He won't find out." I assure her.

"Yeah but, if he does..."

I pause for a moment before responding. "Judgement day."

After a few moments, the lights started flickering. Steve, Nancy, Dustin, and Lucas walked over to the window to see what was going on, but they couldn't see much.

(Small time skip)

After a while, everyone except Will burst through the door and walked around the table.

𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧! ~ 𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘧𝘦𝘪𝘭𝘥Where stories live. Discover now