𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 4

576 7 2

We were behind a car trying to look for Max, this was exactly what I was afraid of. Lucas even has binoculars with him to add the cherry on top.

"Still no sign?" Dustin asks

"Jack shit."

"Oh damn it. My moms gonna murder me." Dustin whines.

"So go home. I'll radio if she comes." Lucas interjects.

"Oh yeah, nice try. You just want me out of here so you can make your move." Dustin states.

'Make your move?' Do they like her too? I thought.

"Oh cause your such a threat." Lucas mocked.

"That's right, she will not be able to resist these pearls."  Dustin purrs.

Me and Lucas both look at each other weirded out.

I start to get jealous, I know, I know, she's not my girlfriend or anything. But Dustin AND Lucas both like the person I like? There's no way she would choose me.

"Ten o'clock." Dustin pulls me out of my thoughts.

"What?" Lucas asks.

"Ten o'clock!"

Lucas looks in that direction and puts his binoculars back on.

I see a blue car pull up next to the arcade, Max walks out. Her and the person in the car start arguing over something.

"They're arguing, they're arguing!"

"Oh my god I see that. I don't even know why you need those binoculars, god so stupid."

"I know right, it's embarrassing." I agree.

"Emmy you get embarrassed over everything, you have no right to talk." Lucas interjects.

"Well excuse me for not wanting to spy on people." I mutter.

Max slams the car door and flips the driver off.


As we secretly walk into the arcade we see Max playing Dig-Dug.

"She's incredible." Lucas states. I nod my head in agreement, We sit down on the bench.


We all look at each other.

"Mad Max." We all say in unison.

(Time skip)

As we were biking home we decided to radio Mike.

"Mike?" Dustin calls out.

"Hello, is that you?!" Mike frantically says.

"Yeah it's me, Dustin. What're you doing on this channel again? I've been trying to reach you all day. We were right. Max is Mad Max!"

"Yeah I'm busy."


And then we heard static.

"Guys just leave it, it's probably about el."
I say.

Since eleven disappeared, Mike has been really sad. I cant blame him though, he really liked her. I miss her a lot too, Mike and I were the first people to actually believe in her, I don't think she's dead though, hopefully not.

"What do we do now?" Lucas asks.

"We stick to the plan." Dustin states.

"Mikes not gonna like it." I say.

"Last time I checked, our party is not a dictatorship, it's a democracy."

"What if Max says no?"

"How can Max say no to these?" Dustin purrs again.

"I told you to stop that!"

"I'll see you tomorrow."


"Bye" I say as I bike off

If they embarrass me again in front of Max I'm going to lose it.

I pull up in my driveway and set down my bike. As I walk inside my mom is by the counter.

"Where have you been? It's late!" She says.

"Dad didn't tell you?" I ask

"No, he's asleep."

"Oh I was just at the arcade, sorry I got here so late." I say sincerely.

My mom sighs, "well it's ok, just next time tell me."

"Ok mom, goodnight."

"Goodnight Em."

I run up the stairs and into my room, but I'm not ready to go to bed just yet.

I slowly crawl out of my window, careful to not wake anyone up. As I'm outside of my window I walk to our garage, and pull out an old skateboard.

Maybe I can learn a how to skateboard and impress her.

I haven't ridden it since I was like seven, so it's going to take some getting used to.

I let out a breath as I walk to the driveway, I steadily put down the skateboard and put one foot on it.

Please don't let me die.

I use my free foot to push on the ground to make me move, I'm a little shaky but it's not too bad. I start rolling down the driveway and I smile, I'm doing it!

And then I see a pebble right where I'm headed.

Everything felt like slomotion in that second, I knew what fate was coming for me.

As soon as the pebble meets the wheel of my skateboard I go fly off. Luckily my butt broke my fall but I look down and see that my hands scratched up.

I hear the front door open.

"Emmy, sweetie are you alright?" My dad asks.

"I'm sorry dad, I know I shouldn't be out here, please don't tell mom." I plead

My dad sighs "I'm not gonna tell your mom, ok? Just come inside so i can fix your hands up." He says.

I nod as I stand up, limping the tiniest bit.

As I walk inside the house my dad is there with a wet rag, ready to clean my hands up. I walk over to him looking down.

As he's wiping my hand i wince a little. "It's ok Em, why were you out there?"

"I just wanted to learn how to skateboard." I sigh.


I freeze, I cant tell him that. I cant just say 'oh I just wanted to impress this girl that I have a crush on, no big deal.' He doesn't know I'm bisexual, no one does.

"Um- I wanted to prove I was better than Lucas at it." I lie.

"Oh, ok. Well clearly you aren't." He jokes, making me laugh.

"Well it's all better, just a little scar. Anyway, you should head to bed, you have school. Tomorrow."

"Ok dad, goodnight, I love you."

"Love you too Emmy."

Hoped y'all like this chapter!

𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧! ~ 𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘧𝘦𝘪𝘭𝘥Where stories live. Discover now