Chapter 16

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We see Billy, of all people, pulling up in the driveway.

"It's my brother." Max breathes out. "H-he can't know I'm here. He'll kill me." She turns to face me. "He'll kill us."

"I'll handle it." Steve states as he suddenly walks out.

We all start staring out the window, trying to see what exactly is going down.

After a few moments. Billy turns looks towards the window straight at us, Steve as well. We instantly duck back down.

"Shit!" I exclaim.

"Did he see us?" Dustin asks.

After a few moments, Billy bursts through the door in rage. All of us now standing towards the kitchen, in fear.

"Well, well, well." Billy starts as he slams the door behind him. "Emmy Reed. What a surprise." He says walking towards me.

He then turns his head towards Max "I thought I told you to stay away from her, Max."

"Billy, go away." She says.

"You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me."


"I break things." And in a flash, he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and slams me into a wall. My ears start ringing from the sudden impact.

I can faintly hear protests and yells from the others. But my head hurts too much to pay attention to it.

He pulls me back a little and slams me into the wall again. My ears ringing like crazy now.

"Get off of me you-" I get cut off.

"Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her." He punches me in the stomach, still pinning me to the wall. "Stay away from her! You hear me?"

I take a moment for my mind to go back into focus. "I said get off of me!" I yell as I knee him where it hurts.

He groans and stumbles back to the point where I am free from his grip. He slowly looks back up at me with a deadly glare.

"You are so dead, Reed!" He points is index finger at me. "Your dead."

But suddenly, Steve grabs Billy's shoulder spinning him towards him.

"No. You are!" He says as he punches him right in the nose.

I can hear Dustin chuckle from the other side of the room at Steve's action.

Before I get caught in the middle of it, the others pulled me by their side to watch whatever's gonna go down.

"Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh?" Billy yells. "I've been waiting to meet this 'King Steve' everybody's been telling me so much about."

"Get out." Steve demands.

There's a pause before Billy swings at Steve, fortunately he ducked down just in time. And as Steve came back up he clocked him right in the mouth.

"Yes! Kick his ass Steve!" Dustin encourages.

Steve through another punch right at his eyebrow.

There's words of encouragement yelled by us five as Steve keeps punching Billy.

But as Billy gets pushed up against the counter from another hit, Billy grabs a plate and smashes it over Steve's head. Us now stopping our words of encouragement. As Steve stumbles back, Billy takes this as an advantage swings at him, finally not missing.

𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧! ~ 𝘔𝘢𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘧𝘦𝘪𝘭𝘥Where stories live. Discover now