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Chapter One: Nobody

"Good morning class, I'm Ms.Eyow tihrah; call me Ms.Eyo for short, and I'm your adviser this year."

I'm Byun Baekhyun, and this is my last year in college. Since 1st year up to now, people see me as nobody, well I kind of used to it. I don't care. I can't blame them for not liking me as long as I'm studying for my future.

Since the first day, nothing much was done. We were just given schedules and some little assignments.

The bell rang so I went out and went to my locker to put my other belongings. I looked at the women talking next to me.

"Do you have any plans after school?" I believe that's Tiffany, well there are three of them. They are famous at school; many students flirt with them and are part of the cheerleading club.

"Well yeah, guess what? I have my part-time job! And believe it or not, I'm working at PARK COPR." Taeyeon said proudly. Taeyeon, she's cute and kind. I don't know; we're not that close; I know her.

"Oh my god?!!! Really? so you always see Park Chanyeol?!" Im Yoona. She's pretty and kind too, She's been a boyfriend a lot, and rumors said it's always new.

"Yas gurl! He's handsome in Person, is he younger than me? But still, he's so fucking hot girl!" Taeyeon screamed. Well, I shouldn't be listening to girls talk but, I don't know.

"Hey Baekhyun!" I turned around and saw Sehun. My mortal enemy. He always teases me. I was sickened with him, but I just ignored him. He's also popular here at university. Sehun is a varsity player, so that's why.

"Are you going?" Sehun asked, I just looked at him. "Where?" I asked.

"Uhm, on our house? Welcome Party?" Wait a minuten? Why is this man so kind to me? Well, I still don't care but he just invited me, and that's new.

"No, thank you," I replied. I know it already; he will make fun of me or make me embarrassed, and I'm getting tired. I still don't trust him.

"Oh, okay, your loss." Sehun said rudely and left as well. What's with him?

After I fixed my locker, I went home to the apartment where I live. It's small, and I'm satisfied. I was the only one, and Appa was a Police Officer. Eomma, on the other hand...has been gone for a long time. Appa and I are the only two here in Seoul. I cook ramen, and mostly this is what I make for dinner. I'm saving; especially I'm graduating.

After cooking the ramen, I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. Park Chanyeol of PARK CORP. the one that showed up to on the TV. Why is he always on TV? It looks like he beat the actor.

Well, he appears to be the wealthiest man here in Korea.


"Chanyeol why don't you have a wife yet? I can't wait to have a grandchildren." Chanyeol laughed at what his father said.

"Dad, you know our company is my priority ,and I'm busy."

"Why? You don't want to be happy? Son, it's nice to have a family. You should find the one!" Mr.Park insisted. Chanyeol scratches his head.

"Dad...Is this what we're going to argue about again? "Chanyeol said. Mr. Park's eyebrows met.

"If you don't get married, I'll take the company from you again.." Mr. Park threatened and Chanyeol's eyes widened.

"Dad, you're joking, right?" Mr.Park shook. "Do I look like I'm joking?" Mr.Park asked seriously.

Taeyeon thought when she heard her boss Chanyeol and the Chairman talking about. She was thrilled and immediately heeded his boss.


Stressed, Chanyeol returned to his office. He sat in the office chair while massaging his head.

"Sir?" Taeyeon knocked, Taeyeon wasn't Chanyeol's secretary. Taeyeon is just doing a side job. A file fixer.

"What do you want?" Chanyeol replied. Taeyeon sat up and smiled at Chanyeol. Chanyeol raised an eyebrow.

"Sir, Sorry for disturbing you, but I overheard your father is pushing you to get married..."

"And?"  Chanyeol said raising an eyebrows.

"Want me to help--"

"By what? You? No way." Chanyeol rolled his eyes and Taeyeon laughed slightly.

"No sir, what was that? Jeez, I'm here to help you." Taeyeon said grinning.

"Are you going to help me?" Chanyeol asked and Taeyeon nodded "Yes sir, if you just want it hehe."
Taeyeon said.

"What's your plan? I mean, how?" Chanyeol asked out of curiosity.

Taeyeon adjusted her position. "Sir, I know you don't want to get married yet, and I also know you don't want to have a relationship because I know your company is your top priority." Taeyeon explained. Chanyeol focused.

"What if you go and look for someone to pretend to be your girlfriend or be your wife? And you should also hire some relationship crasher to end the fake relationship? Because the only point is that your dad will give you the missing papers, right?"

Chanyeol thought hard, and when he was able to put it in his mind. He chuckled and applauded.

"You know what? Nice Idea! Find that person! Or maybe you?" Chanyeol said excitedly, and Taeyeon refused.

"Not me, sir; I'm very famous at myuniversity. I'll look for someone, okay?" Chanyeol agreed.

"I will find someone nobody, the invisible one. For sure, when that aired to the news, it seemed like nothing, right?" Taeyeon added. Chanyeol was satisfied.

"Smart! Nice Idea! Take that person tomorrow."


Taeyeon looked around the classroom. And he looked right at Baekhyun. The only nobody in university, no friends, and always alone.

Taeyeon didn't tell her two friends because they definitely wouldn't allow that and push themselves instead.

"Taeyeon, lets go?" Yoona told her. She ignored it and approached Baekhyun.

"Hey, baekhyun? Right?" Baekhyun looked up at her.

"Yes? Why?" Baekhyun asked.

"Wanna come with us? I'll treat you a coffee." Taeyeon said, smiling, and her two friends were surprised.

"Me?" Baekhyun asked, and Taeyeon just pulled him out.

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