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Chapter Twentyeight: The Day Has Come


I haven't seen Sehun for two days. He doesn't show up either. I don't know where he is or what he is doing. I can't ask him because that's not in the rules. I once asked him where he was, but he immediately answered me with "Mind your own business," which hurt my ego. I just took care of him, but he didn't care.

"LUHAN LUHAN LUHAN!!!!" I turn back and saw Xiao Tong running toward me. "What? Is there an emergency?" I asked, and she suddenly grabs my wrist. "D-Director..." He said, catching her breath. "Director?" I asked.

"D-Director wants to see you in his office!" My eyes widen, I immediately felt nervous. The director didn't go to the hospital very often. The director is not always here, he only comes here when there is a problem or an employee who has done something right or made a big mistake.

"M-me? W-why?" I asked nervously. She shrugs. "I don't know either..." I clenched my fist out of nervousness. I do not know what I will do.

I wasted no time. I immediately went to the director's office, and I stared at the door. Nervous. I sighed deeply before knocking three times. I heard the director answered so. I slowly entered the office with my whole body shaking.

Director Lee Boogin

"Director Good Morning...Did you call me?" I asked. I was even more nervous when he looked at me.

"Have a seat, Dr.Lu." He said seriously. I was nervous as I approached and sat down in the chair.

"So, How are you? And how's your work here?" The Director asked. I gulped and smiled nervously. "I-it was fine, Sir..." I answered. He nodded slowly. "Well...what do you think is the reason why I called you?" I don't remember doing anything wrong, but why am I so nervous?

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