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Chapter Twenty: Save me.

Less than a few hours Baekhyun and Chanyeol arrived in Seoul, Chanyeol also called his family, but he can't reach them. Chanyeol firstly brought Baekhyun to his apartment. Chanyeol didn't get of the car and hugged Baekhyun tightly.

"Baekhyun, no matter what happens, stays here, and please don't do anything...This is my problem, and I will handle it alone." Chanyeol took a deep breath and kissed Baekhyun. "I love you."

"C-Chanyeol, can I just come with you? I'm worried about Taeyeon." Baekhyun said tearfully, Chanyeol shook his head. "No, stay here. Listen to me, Baekhyun; I don't want you to be hurt. Are we clear?" Baekhyun would have answered, but Chanyeol immediately started the car.

Baekhyun was left crying, and he was restless, so he called a taxi and went to Mr. and Mrs.Park.

Baekhyun didn't follow Chanyeol's order. He arrived at Mr. Park's house, it was silent, and immediately rang the doorbell. 

"Who are is it?" The guard said, "Is Mr. Park are inside? Please! Let me in! Please! I need to talk to Mr. Park." Baekhyun shouted. "What do you need from Mr. Park?"

"Look, it's urgent, and stop asking me. Just let me in!" Baekhyun shouted, "I can't! We're not allowed to let anyone in!" Baekhyun closed his eyes in annoyance. He rolled his eyes. Mr.Park's fence is too high. So when he saw a tree, he quickly climbed it.

"You can do it, Baekhyun!" Baekhyun whispered, and when he climbs on the tree, he immediately clung to the gate. 

When Baekhyun foot touches the ground, he was in the garden, the Guard saw him immediately, so he runs faster as he could, and when he got inside, he saw Yoora. Baekhyun immediately approached Yoora. Yoora was surprised to see Baekhyun being chased by the guards.

"W-wait, Baekhyun? What are you doing here? Then why are they chasing you?" Baekhyun couldn't answer because he was so exhausted. Yoora looked at the guards, "This is my brother's boyfriend. You can go back to work!" Yoora scolded the guards, and when the guard left. Yoora was surprised when Baekhyun held her hand.

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