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???: "Y/n come down to eat your breakfast dear, or else you will be late to your school"
Y/n: "Yes mom, I'll come after my shower"

I slowly got up as my mom shouted form the kitchen. I quickly took my shower and changed to my new uniform . I was really excited about the new school.

Y/n's mom: "Eat your breakfast faster!!!!"

She yelled at me...leaving me in tears(yeah i know I'm very sensitive)

Y/n's mom: "ohhh sorry my dear. I was just worried that you will be late to your school"
Y/n:" yeah mom ..."

I said eating my food faster than ever. Then I finally got out an waited for the school bus to take me to new school

While I was in the bus ...I suddenly felt an arm on my shoulder...I jumped on my seat and hurt my head on luggage carrier shelf. He introduced himself as Jimin with a cute smile on his face

Jimin: "Be careful ______?"

It was like he was waiting for me to say my name

Y/n: "yeah...I'm fine. Thanks. M..m. my name is Y/n"
Jimin: "nice to meet you Y/n." He said with a warm smile

Aishh...why should I get this much afraid to jump of from my seat.... Then I turned to the window, and within few minutes we reached the school

______________________________________ Next chapter will be updated soon... 💜💜

With His Love (Tae FF) II COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now