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As he giggled, i felt sorry for acting like that


Y/n:" s..sorry jungkook. But I'm really very afraid of lizards.."
Jungkook:" it's okey" he smiled
Y/n:" So...why are you taking me a trip around the school?? Do you take all the new admissions around the school" i asked doubtfully.
Jungkook:" annyeo..the principal asked me to take you around"
Y/n:" ohh..ok" i was suprised why was I the only one to be taken a trip

Flash back
Y/n's mom POV

Y/n's mom:"Ms.principal i need my daughter to be very comfortable in her new school so take care of my daughter very well"

As i was the one of the members of the board in the school i have all the right to tell them what ever i want them to do..

Y/n's POV

As i had the confusion in my head going on..i suddenly bumped into someone tall and handsome...but when i looked into his eyes i was freaked out to see his dark and cold stares..i was shaking inside with fear  just then........i saw jungkook trying to defend him from reaching me

Jungkook:" yeahh!!...taehyung!!!...she is our new student to this school. Don't scare her of her first day itself!!"

He pushed him away and walked towards me, as i stumbled and fell on the floor...he then pulled me up by holding my hair..(it pained a lot and was above to shed tears)

Taehyung:" DON'T MESS WITH ME"

He wisphers into my ears and pushed me down again

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He wisphers into my ears and pushed me down again..i fell with a thud i was weeping...when jungkook helped me up and i saw jimin running towards us..

Jimin:" Y/n are you alright??? Why are you crying" he asked me worriedly
Jungkook:" it's because of V..hy..ung"
Jimin:" he has been soo cold after her girlfriend cheated on him" he sighed

I was clinging to jungkook as he was wrapping his hands around my arms...then some one shouted form far away. I turned to see who was it,then i saw taehyung calling jungkook and jimin...HE WAS SHOUTING MADLY....

With His Love (Tae FF) II COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now