Chapter 15

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I went straight to the locker to take my books, Taehyung and Jungkook followed me to the locker and Taehyung asked

"Why are you talking to her that way?? anyways she is your friend right? she might be worried..." Taehyung said 

"Although she is my friend.. she should not do something like this to you" I said and looked at Jungkook as he was giggling.

"Y/n-ah are you perhaps worried about me??" he said

"Ah... why??... why?? should I be worried about you... I.. I just felt sorry for you.....Jungkook-ah wait a min I'll join you too..." I left Taehyung in confusion and followed Jungkook as he was well aware of this situation and was jumping as he walked to tell Jimin about us.... and I followed him, trying my best to defend him from telling to Jimin.

In the class

We have our final exams coming soon and we will be missing the school life which is the best phase in our life time, so every one was busy preparing for the exam. But I was chatting in my phone to Jimin

through text


Y/n: Are you ready for tomorrow??

Jimin: Tomorrow?? 

Y/n: .........

Jimin: Yeahh... got it. I'll bring Taehyung there, I'm getting super


 We was texting soo long that Taehyung caught me....

"Whom are you texting soo long, put your phone down and study for your exams or if you don't want to study you can at least talk to me right? to whom are you talking when I'm next to you!!!" he asked 

"BOYFRIEND" I replied simply

"BOYFRIEND??" he asked with his eyebrows coming close to each other.

" And can you just study...I'm busy right now" I said continuing chatting, hiding my phone from Taehyung

Taehyung was growing with anger as soon as I told Boyfriend, I'm sure he is mad about finding who he is...but It's non other than my and his friend Jimin. We studied all day and was returning back to our apartment. Only after we reached there we came to know that a boy and a girl is also joining us in our room.. they were waiting outside as we had the keys with us. They introduced them self as Hoseok and Yong ah. Hoseok greeted us with a bright smile and Yong ah did so. I greeted them and turned to see Taehyung... he was standing and sighing at those two people. we headed inside. Just as we entered Taehyung threw his bag on his bed and went out.

Taehyung POV

I headed out....I didn't want any roommates as this is the only place I can be alone with Y/n. I hope she doesn't like me,

"But no matter what Y/n, I'll wait for you forever to love me back!!!" I said to myself out loud. I then went to visit Jimin in his apartment. As I rang the doorbell Jimin opened it and we went inside

"Why are you out so late Taehyung??? Didn't you go with Y/n?" Jimin asked

" I can't be alone with Y/n here after in the room....there are roommates joining us. You know Jimin Y/n was really happy to see roommates joining us, but I don't want this. Hope she doesn't really like me...but I'm gonna wait for her, I cant live without her!!!..." I said

" Stop talking non stop and listen to what I say" as Jimin said I listened to him more eagerly 

" Y/n loves you soo badly you know...I didn't want to let you know cuz Y/n said she wants to confess to you on your birthday and she told me not to say this to you. But I don't want you to worry about that... And I also heard that Eun hee told Y/n that she loves you again?? I hope there is some thing not be careful, okay??, she may plan to do something and also don't show it tomorrow that I have told you about Y/n's feelings for you, she is gonna confess you tomorrow so be prepared for your love my friend" Jimin said and Taehyung was frozen.

"Tae...Taehyung!!! come to your mind!!" Jimin yelled at him.

"Jimin-sii you are not lying right... It's true right?" I was very happy, Jimin shook his head.

"Arraso... can you go home now? It's really late Y/n might be worried. Bye" I left Jimin's place and went to my place

I entered the room like I didn't know anything and sat on the sofa with my phone. Y/n came to me at that moment. I looked at her and found that she was mad for something... Many thoughts were going in my mind , I also taught that she followed me back to Jimin's place and heard what ever we talked but.......she was soo innocent 

"Is this the way you treat our roommates Mr. Arrogant??? You didn't even introduce yourself to them and you just went away! First of all introduce yourself to them" Y/n shouted at me and I giggled and introduced myself to them after all they were nice people after we spent some hours with them.

Next day


I had been working part time for a while to get Taehyung a birthday present. I didn't want to ask my mother because she came back home from the hospital a couple of days ago...I didn't want to disturb her. I was counting my cash for his present as today was his birthday, Taehyung was still taking shower and I had to wait till he comes out. I was standing just in front of the bathroom and the dressing room door was not closed...Just then Taehyung appeared with only his towel on his waist and water dripping from his front hair 

" Y/n -ah you can take bath now. Hurry up it's getting late" Taehyung said as he was drying his hair and my heart was beating it might pop out any time. I didn't say anything and ran to the bathroom and locked the door my face turned red, he was so hot!!

Chapter end

Vote if you like...sarangae Army and BTS. Will see you in the next chapter :)

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