chapter 19

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I kept on walking on my way after sometime I turned back to see if tae was still there but he wasn't. I sighed and went on.

In the room

"Hey y/n" Herin said

"Hii~~" i said and flopped in the sofa.

"Why so late??" Herin asked while hearing music.

"I was in the library" i said still in thoughts.

"Sleep soon y/n baby or else I'll pour a bucket of water if you don't wake up tomorrow" Herin said and slept.

"Fine...." I said. I lay down on my bed but i couldn't sleep. It took a few hours.

In the evening

I was walking down the hallways then in saw Hyungsik. He came with his basket ball.

"Hey y/n" he said and came towards me.

"Give me that" i said pointing to the ball.

"Take it if you can..haha" he said raising it above his head. I kept trying to get it from him but he was much taller than me.

"I know how to get it from you...wait and see" i said and started to tickle him. He couldn't control him laughter ad dropped the ball.

"Got it from you see....haha" i said and laughed at him.

"Ok ok you win take it. Now come with me" he said and I picked the ball. We walked together and he put his hands over my shoulders.

I didn't know where we was going coz he lead the way ad I just followed. Then I looked up and we was in the basket ball court. He got the ball from me and started to play meanwhile my eyes were busy searching for taehyung.

He wasn't there.

So I sat down in the gallery and watched them practice. Seeing them shoot the balls made me want to do it too. So I asked Hyungsik for the ball. I tried shooting several times but not a single time it went inside the loop. Hyungsik saw and chucked. He came near me and taught how to do.

"Hold the ball properly y/n. See this?? Both your thums should make a T shape. Then just push the ball using your right hand and give a lil jump." He demonstrated me how to shoot and then I tried and again I failed. He came back of me and held the ball along with me. We rised the ball to throw it just then....bammm

Someone from far behind threw the ball into the basket. The ring shaked and at one point it broke off and was hanging from the point where it was attached.

We both turned to see who it was and to my surprise it was taehyung!!

"Wow taehyung the 5th time" Hyungsik said

" will you move now??" Tae said as he came towards us bouncing the ball. We seperated and he went between us. Taehyung jumped and held the ring in his hands and put the ball inside. He hung there and when he was back on the ground he had the ring in his hands. I stood there freezed. Then when he walked in front of us he saw me and gave a death stare at Hyungsik. But Hyungsik didn't seem bothered.

"Y/n?? are you alright?? Never mind him... He has got a bit of temper" Hyungsik said and I kept staring at Taehyung.

"Come lets go...i guess you got your piano class now. Hurry up y/n. Byeee" Hyungsik waved at me and I went.

We had a class competition and the teacher will reward us marks according to our performance. It was my turn to perform. I stood up and sat on the stool in front of the piano in our class. I started to play  it and it went on smoothly till i saw a reflection on the glass in front of me...a familiar figure....taehyung?! But i managed to finish it without any flaws. As soon as i completed it I rushed out of the class. He was watching me by standing out side the class by the door and went away as soon as i completed. I saw him standing in the small room near the cafeteria. I approached him.

"Why--why did you run away??" I asked and he kept staring at me. after some time he replied

"Y/n please...please it's good if you stay away from me. Stay away so that you won't be hurt." Tae said and turned to leave the place. I caught him by his wrist. I didn't want him to leave. We haven't spoken for months and I still do love him badly.

"Hey...why do you say stuff like that. I know that you don't like me anymore but don't leave me. I saw you with the other girl but it doesn't matter to me your presence is really important. Please don't go" I said and tried to hold in my tears.

"Y/n...." he said and put his finger on my lips. I have never seen him like that before.

"No one ever loved you as much as I love you" He said in a low and soft voice and I can't hold my tears anymore.

"And about the girl...she is someone useless and not the one I like" He continued

I cupped his face. He smiled a little and it made me feel really good. Then we walked out

time skip

We left the college together and I was heading to the girls dormitory. He stood there till I go inside. Tae left after some time.

"Hello??" Tae got a call from Min hoo

"Said good bye to your girlfriend?? Haha lets see if you can meet her tomorrow. I thought you took the good decision for past few months...but i guess you didn't" he said

"Don't do anything to y/n!!! I swear I wont ever forgive you" before Tae could complete Min hoo cut the call.

Tae was so afraid he didnt want y/n to get hurt because of him. He left to his dorm with full of fear.

Next day

He was standing in front of the girls dormitory early in the morning. I woke up and Herin shouted

"Hey hey!!! Y/n!!! Its him...wake up its your boyfriend" on hearing thise words I sat straight up and rushed to the window. And yess...he was really there.

"Good that you are fine....but its better for you to forget me soon as you are not suitable for me" Tae said to himself and left as he confirmed that you are safe.

"Did he just come to wish you good morning y/n?? Wow you are really lucky I wish I had some one like this...." Herin said patting my shoulders and jumped on her way to the bathroom.

We were going to our class, I saw Taehyung in a distance. It looked like he was talking to some one. So i thought not to disturb him but he called me.

"Y/n!!" He came near us.

"You still have time to go to you class right...why dont you take a walk with me??" He asked and we also had some time to go to class. I turned to Herin.

"Carry on...I'll wait for you in the class Y/n" she said and went. And i went with Tae.

We kept walking and he didnt say anything for a long time. So I started to talk.

"Hey Tae you are you so silent?? Talk something. So why are we here?" I asked and I saw his expression growing sadder.

"Y/n...its really hard but please forget about me. You are not really suitable for me. Or I may not be the right guy for you." Tae said and looked into my eyes.

Even tho it was only his lips which said thise words I knew that he didn't mean to say so. He looked right into my eyes and cant help but to let out a tear.

"Tae--Taehyung y-you want me to forget you!?? H--Ho--how can you say that?? no NO!!! Dont ever say things like this. I love you. Why do I feel like you are gonna disappear all of a sudden?? Please Tae...." I said and pulled him into a hug. He didnt hug me back for a moment but then he did.

"I'm sorry Y/n..." He thought to himself .

Tae then nodded his head at Min hoo who was standing there the whole time.

Chapter end

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