Chapter 2

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After I reached my school i went straight to the office table to get my schedule and the keys to my locker. When I turned around i bumped a boy who was a handsome guy and he held his hand to help me

???: "I'm s..orry."
Y/n:" yeah!!! Can't u walk by seeing front of you?!!!"

I shouted at him. And i was also worried that he would hurt me as he was really muscular.. i tried to be brave in front of him...but was dying from fear in inside🥶 my hand became cold.
He introduced himself as Jeon Jungkook by helping me up

Jungkook:" are u alright miss... I'm sorry..i was in a hurry to meet miss Y/n"

I was surprised when he mentioned my name cuz i was new to this school and no one knew my name...

Jungkook: "ah...h I'm sorry. I didn't ask your name... Ohh!! yeah..i dont have any time to waste...catch u later miss"

As he was above to leave i yelled my name out that he could hear me

Y/n: " I'm Y/n!!!!"

As i shouted he turned back with a bright bunny smile

Jungkook: "haa is that finally you, whom i was searching this whole time?!!. Come with me to principle's cabinet"
Y/n:" sure...but wh..?" He started to walk before i could complete my statement. I rolled my eyes and followed him

At the principle's cabin____________

Jungkook POV

Me:" Mam..I have brought Y/n with me. Can i continue with my work?

The principle signed me to continue...
Just then I saw Y/n was a bit worried. We left the cabin and i asked her

Me:" Are you alright??? You seem a bit disappointed.."
Y/n:" no I'm fine"

Then i started to tour the school to her...showing each and every thing to her. When some thing crossed her leg

Y/n:" OMG...there is a Lizard over there and I'm hella afraid of that"

She screamed as she was holding me waist tighter

Jungkook:" Cu..cute" i giggle

End chapter...
__________________________________________ yeah I'll soon update my next chapter
Luv u armies..all around the world💜💜

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