Chapter 14

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I was walking to the apartment lost in thoughts about should I say Taehyung how I feel or should I just give up on him as Eun hee likes him?? I just don't know what to do but walked...just then I heard some footsteps back of me, approaching me.. I started to walk faster and so does the shadow, he wore a black hoody and also had a face mask on his face so I couldn't recognize who it was...but I knew something was dangerous. I started to run as fast as I can till some one stopped me by holding my hand, I raised my head to see who it was..

"Taehyung...." I was surprised

"Just go home and don't look back...ok?" he insisted me to go.. but I was worried about him as well

"JUST GO!!!" he shouted

Taehyung started to run behind the man in the hoody, and I was afraid to death but I ran home... I tried to call Taehyung several times but he didn't answer any of them. After half an hour he came home back with blood dripping from his forehead!!! I ran to him and helped him to his bed, he was in pain which made me tear up, but he didn't show it in his face..... I went to get the first aid box and dressed his wound. He fell asleep after some time, I didn't want to disturb him.... I ordered some food for our dinner and was doing the dishes in the sink, Taehyung turned me around,

"Are you alright ??" he asked worriedly

"I should be the one who should ask that...why did you run after him you should have just let him go" I said seeing him through his eyes

"Y/n-ah...I love you" he said with his pleading eyes....I actually wanted to hug him tight and confess my feeling for him, but I wasn't able to. I just moved away from that place. He was upset and threw himself on his bed, I sat on mine. Then I got a tiny amount of bravery and asked to Taehyung about Eun hee...

"Taehyung-sii, by any chance do know that Eun hee has feelings for you?" I know he would say noo...but he remained silent, I was wondering why/??. After some seconds he spoke up

"Y/n I'll be very honest to you... we have seen each other for some months before she even moved to this school, but as soon as I knew that she was cheating on me I broke up with her... Since then I haven't seen any one and I started to talk too coldly to my friends and my classmates. But my love for you is very sincere.. pls" As he said a tear escaped his eyes. It was heart breaking to see him cry. Then I layed down in my bed with out saying a single word. I didn't know Eun hee was this kind of girl, after cheating on him she says that she loves him again??

Next day....

I got a headache coz I was thinking about Eun hee and I didn't wake up to school... then Taehyung woke me up as I had only 15 minutes to get ready to school. I took a bath hurriedly and got ready to school.. I ran to the bus stop to take the bus but the bus has already left. Just then Taehyung was coming on his motor bike...

"Y/n did you miss the bus?? shall I give you a ride?" He asked with those charming boxy smile of his

"Y/n did you miss the bus?? shall I give you a ride?" He asked with those charming boxy smile of his

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"Will you??"and I hopped on the back, he couldn't control his smile...then he stopped his bike a few meters away from the school, 

"We should not use motor bike to come to school" he said

"Then are you breaking the rules?" I said, hitting him slightly. Just then Jungkook popped up behind us from no where.. that really scared me..... Then I moved into the school, just then I saw Eun hee.

"Eun hee!!! do you think I'll believe in what you told me yesterday?? Stop thinking nonsense.....okay?" I wondered, was it me who was talking like this... but no matter what I hoped Taehyung would protect me....

Chapter end......... to be continued

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