Chapter 12

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Min hoo???


Min hoo:' Y/n-ahh you should be careful
Y/n:' ahh yea'
Min hoo:' I was worried, you should be more careful in the lab.'
Y/n:' But do you study here too??'
Min hoo:' Yea, lets talk after the school babe, bye'
Y/n:' Babe?? I never told.....'

Taehyung:' YEAH Min hoo!!! Take your hands of her'

Eun hee:' Y/n-ah are you fine??'
Y/n:' Taehyung-sii'

Taehyung was about to pick a fight with him. I was tring to stop him..he just left the lab.

Time skip

In the cafeteria I was getting my lunch to eat with Eun hee, Jungkook and Jimin came near us

Jimin:' Can we join you guys?'
Y/n:' Oh..sure, but where is Taehyung??'
Jungkook:' He's in the class, he said that he doesn't want to eat his lunch'
Y/n:' You must have not let him like that, I'll be back in few mins..please excuse me'

I looked for Taehyung at the class room, but he wasn't there. So I searched for him...I finally found him near the locker,

Y/n:' Taehyung-sii'
Tae:' Y/n??'
Y/n:' Why didn't you come to have your lunch?? I was worried....'
Tae:' Y/n-ah I don't want any other guy to take care of you when I'm know right, I LOVE YOU.'
Y/n:' Ok let's go and have lunch, will you come.....plzz'

At the cafeteria

Jungkook:' Jimin-sii, look Taehyung is coming! When we asked to come he sent us with such a cold stare.'
Jimin:' Finally looks like Tae and Y/n got together' (with a smile)
Eun hee:' Jimin ah do you really know what you are talking?'
Jimin:' Yea..? I said FINALLY IT LOOKS LIKE TAE AND Y/N GOT there any problem for you??
Eun hee:'---------------let me take your leave-----------'

(After Eun hee left)

Y/n:' Why is she leaving so fast?? Has she completed her lunch??'
Jungkook:' Yes!! Have you seat Y/n-ah'
Jimin:' (wispers: Y/n have you finally confessed to Taehyung??)
Y/n:' Noo!'
Tae:' What is this "NO"?'
Y/n:' Ah... Mm.. nothing, but why didn't you have your lunch?? You must take care of yourself...I was worried'
Tae:' Were you worried?? But why I'm not even you boyfriend to worry about something silly like this ( Actually I was trying to get the answer from Y/n but...)
Y/n:' You are my friend.'

Time skip

After the lunch

We were walking in the corridor to move to our respective classes....when some one pushed Taehyung from the back!! When I tirned around to see who it was...I found Min hoo?

Chapter end

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