Chapter 8

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Sorry for the late update readers...I was really busy with my school . So I can't view Wattpad for a long time. So let's get into the story

Taehyung POV

I woke up to have some water, and my head ached so much....I went to the fridge and brought a bottle of water to the bed. But i can't sleep afterwards, I kept turning over and over.

I then sat on my bed staring at Y/n. She was soo cute when she was sleeping.

Suddenly her phone rang.....not so loud. So i taught to pick it up and not to disturb her. I picked up the call..... It was the call form her mom. I picked it up and some one scremed in the Phone.....

I wasn't sure about the situation happening there. The one on the phone asked for Y/n. I don't want to wake her up but the situation seemed worse.. So I woke up her and handed the phone.

She busted with tears after what she heard from the phone

Me:' What's the problem Y/n??' I asked worriedly. Her eyes was full of tears, I tried asking her. But she was crying into my chest... I was internally blushing

Soon she spoke up.

Y/n:" my mom is in the hospital . I wanna leave now to meet her.......'
Once again she cried to my chest. But I can't handle this..


I wish to see my mom very soon, but it's very dark our, how can I go on my own???

Y/n:' Can you??------'
He cut me off
Tae:' We must go and see your mother right now!!!. Hurry up!'

My only intention was to see my mom right now!! i got ready and taehyung went to get his car.

We drove to the hospital in silence. I was still weeping while sitting next to Taehyung. He comferted me by patting me on my head, and I lied my head on his shoulders.

When we reached the hospital the maid was there in the enterence waiting for me. I rushed to see my mom lying on the bed with her eyes closed. I went a little closer and grabbed her hands. She woke up and spoke with a weak voice......

Y/n's mom:' He..y Y/..n.'

End chapter_________________________________________________
Hey guys....I'm getting some views to my story, which makes me really happy💓💓. And i dont get the votes which makes me know that wether you are liking the story or not.... If not comment me how to make my story better........😉 It's my very first story in wattpad, and your encouragement makes me write more stories.

Saranghae ARMY💜💜💜

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