Chapter 17

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As Taehyung and Y/n walked to their rooms they heard loud foot steps inside their room as they opened the room Yong-ah fell down with a thud....


"Ahhhhh" Yong-ah cried

"What were you both doing??? Guys... is this the way you keep a room. Look at all those trash, and you were just playing around??" I asked seeing the room in a mess. Yong-sh suddenly started to shout.

"Y/n ahh we have been dating for 2 years and he never misses a phone call of mine....but today he was just sitting in the class with all girls surrounded!!! I called him almost 20 times and he didn't attend any of them. I know he is smart and brilliant but why should he stay even after the school is over..... HOSEOK!!!! YOU ARE DEAD IN MY HANDS TODAY!!!!!!!!" Yong-ah shouted and they started running again. She didn't leave Hoseok to speak a word, or to breath

Finally I stopped Yong-ah and Taehyung stopped Hoseok. Then Hoseok spoke up

"Yong-ah ya...Please forgive me fo-----" Yong-ah released from my grip and cut of Hoseok with her lips on to his. Taehyung saw me with a smirk and my heart was beating crazy.

"Don't ever do this.. ok?" Yong-ah said between the kiss

"Mmm-mm" Hoseok replied. and it seem like they won't end soon. So

"Ah-a--h ah we will leave the room and y--ou guys....enjoy!!!" I said and we felt the room. After few hours I went to check upon them, but they already fell asleep, Yong-ah in Hoseok's hands and her head rested on his chest. So I didn't disturb them. I saw Taehyung in the balcony staring into the dark night sky, I felt worried that he misses his mom so much. So I went and back hugged him

"Do you miss your mom so much??" I asked as he turned and hugged me through the front, but he was silent

"Something feels wierd Y/n. Feels like something bad is going to happen... Don't you feel it?" Taehyung said worried

"Nothing feels wierd when I'm with you nor nothing bad will happen when we are together" I said and Tae chuckled. We had our dinner and went to our beds

(After 4 months) 

Last day of the school

It is the last day of the school and everyone hugged their beloved as they are already graduating from their school. Y/n and Taehyung was sitting with Jimin and Jungkook


Me and Taehyung were always next to each other in last few months since we felt comfortable and I felt safe when I was with him and....on top of all that we both loved each other so much. Me, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin sat under a tree,

"I'm really gonna miss you all guys...but none of us should loose our contacts and promise that we'll always be together" I said leaving out my pinky

" Yes!!!" Jimin and Jungkook shouted together

"Taehyung?? what are you thinking??? Cheer up Taehyung!!!!" I said and he gave out a slight laugh, and we started to take photos and we had so much of fun. At that time Eun hee came near us and asked me to join a party after the school got over. Jimin was uncomfortable to hear this and so was Taehyung, but I thought she was asking a hangout, So I said yes. After she left Taehyung said that he will come with me too, and I nodded

School ends

Jimin and Jungkook said us good bye and went to pack up their stuffs in their rooms. Me and Taehyung was heading to the party to which Eun hee invited us. After we went there we found that Min hoo was also there and Taehyung got pissed off, he let out a sigh. The music was on and I couldn't control myself flowing with the vibe, I started to dance on my own way and Taehyung was sitting with a beautiful smile seeing me enjoying the party. After some drinks I was talking with Eun hee. Taehyung continued drinking his orange juice. He was sitting far as he didn't want to disturb us, but he got really disturbed when Min ho joint in.

" Y/n-ah your dress looks so pretty" Min hoo said and put his hands forward to touch it. Eun hee left that place and I moved a step back and Taehyung came in front of me with a blink of an eye and covered me, I let out a sigh of relief. He gave Min hoo a death stare 

"Aishh" Min hoo said and walked away

"Let's go Y/n-ah" Tae said and I agreed

On our way to home we planned to go on a date as the school was already over and also we haven't went on a date since we proposed each other. After we have packed our things and moved to our homes my mom received me with a hug. I said to mom that I got a boyfriend and she wished me good luck to continue. I showed my mom the pictures of me and Taehyung and my mom was so suprised as he was really handsome

"Is he really your boyfriend?? aren't you lying??? He is so handsome." my mom said

"Eommaaaa!!!!" I shouted and she giggled and patted my head

After 2 days 


We planned to meet up in the same park were we used to meet, but today I brought my car and we are going on our first date!!! We got into the car and I started to drive she didn't have a single idea about were we are going. It was a bit long drive and Y/n was playing on her phone. One final right turn and we came to our destination. It was a stretch of flowers and a wooden path to walk, and a house in the center.

I covered Y/n's eyes till we reached there and took of my hands and she was shocked

"Wooahhh...It's really amazing" Y/n said

"No one is going to visit the place of our own" I said then she turned to me

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"No one is going to visit the place of our own" I said then she turned to me

" What do you mean??"

"I purchased this place and this is where we are going to live after we get married and this is my gift for you... my first ever gift for my loved one" I went silent for few seconds and

"Will you marry me??"


"Will you marry me??" He said I stood like a statue seeing the rose in Taehyung's hand, and without wasting a single moment I took it from him

" For sure!!!!!" I said and we hugged each other.

We had a long talk, walked around the place holding hands together, like any other couple would do in their date. We entered the house as it started to rain heavily and suddenly but before we reached the house we were already half wet...Taehyung's t-shirt was sticking to his body and so was my clothes, we didn't have any other dress to were and the house was just only with furniture. We sat on the couch and Taehyung searched for a towel atleast to dry out the hair, but there was none. Then Taehyung came closer to me and pulled me by his hands and walked faster to the bedroom and locked it . I was actually cold. He then put my in the bed and leaned forward, our faces were inch apart, I closed my eyes and my heart beat was getting faster....

Chapter end


vote if you like and share your views through comment and.... I wanna ask you guys something>> I'm working on a Taekook ff, do you guys want me to publish it before I complete this story or want me to complete this story....cuz this story is a bit close to it's end. I'll make sure to complete this with 6 or 7 more chapters. Share your wishes!!!!!

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