Chapter 11

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I must not delay it any more......

The next day

I was walking to the school..and I heard Jimin caling me..

Jimin:' Y/n-ahhhhh'
Y/n:' Oma you scared me!!'
Jimin:' Is it true?? Wow debak.'
Y/n:' Yeah...I taught I must not delay it any more.'
Jimin:' Where is Taehyung-sii? Is he not coming with you?. I taught you both will come together....'
Y/n:' But he went to school faster than any day. But I don't know why'
Jimin:' Oh...ok come let's go'
Y/n:' Yea'

We both were walking to the school.

At the school

I was heading to my class and found Taehyung and..........

Y/n:' Eun hee??'

She was my only friend in my middle school, but now what is she doing with Taehyung??

Eun hee:' hey Y/n-ahh. Do you study here? How are you doing??'
Y/n:' Yeh.. I moved here only this year'
Eun hee:' oh..It's good to see you here y/n-ahh' I just smiled

Taehyung POV

Is that y/n's friend?? Seriously!!
Tae:' Have you known some thing about this??'
Jimin:' NO..'

Jimin POV

What if she tell everything to Y/n...Noo this should not happen. Taehyung is really mad now........just now he has been normal for few days, why should she come at this time.

Y/n should not know the past if she was her best friend.


        I was really happy to see my good old friend back again.

Eun hee:' So then... How are you Y/n??'
Y/n:' I'm really good'

Eun hee:' You still didn't change bit. See you Y/n-ah...bye'
Y/n:' Bye'

Should he be soo cold after all. But after some time

Tae:' Y/n-sii is she your friend really??'

Y/n:' Yeah, she was my only middle school friend .'

Tae:' Then why did she move out of that school?'
Y/n:' Haven't you asked her about it before?'
Tae:' No...she only joined few months before you joint this school'
Y/n:' Is that so...her parents got transferred here'

Teacher:' Hurry up students ...we are going to the lab for this class'
Students:' Yes sir'

In the lab


We were doing some experiments, with the chemicals and at that moment

I kept my hands on a hot test tube....Taehyung was standing far away. But some one grabbed my hands, I turned to see who was is and it was..........Min hoo??

Chapter end


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