Chapter 16

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I ran into the bathroom as my face was as red as a tomato, after seeing Taehyung only with his towel on his waist, as the floor was covered with water I slipped and fell down with a thud and screamed as I was in pain. Taehyung rushed inside as soon as he heard me scream. I remember locking the door, but Taehyung just pushed the door right away and it opened!! I got my ankle twisted and I couldn't walk at that moment, he noticed that and carried me to the dressing room. He made me sit on the couch and went to bring the first aid kit, the he started to apply the gel on my ankle.

"ARRGHHHH..." I shouted as he applied the medicine with his utmost power.

" Why ?? why?/ are you ok? I haven't done anything like this before...... but I heard that I have to do it stronger" Taehyung said

" That's fine but it was way too strong for me!!! ARRGHHH!!" I shouted again 

" Just hold on for some time you are going to be alright... got it??" Taehyung said

" Pls...noo Taehyung!! that's enough!!!!" I shouted

When we opened the door we saw Hoseok and Yong ah right in front of the door. They looked weird. They didn't say a word for a minute but then

" Y/n-ah I think you both should have waited till you guys grow up enough" Hoseok closed Yong ah 's mouth stopping her to say anything

After few seconds :

" Yeahh..yeah.. Yong ah-ya It's not some thing you imagine... Don't get anything wrong.... Hoseok wait up!!! don't go!!" Taehyung said as he got nervous and panicked while I was standing there with no idea what was happening. I asked Taehyung with a puppy face about what they are talking about.

" Ha.. you little.. you really should grow up " Taehyung mummered and giggled.

 I hopped my way to the bus stop to go to the school. As I didn't get hurt that badly I was able to walk after sometime. We reached our school on time. Jungkook was kneeling outside his class, rising both the hands. It was so obvious that he was enjoying the punishment by not attending the classes. We went to our class. And I was so much exited to give him the gift I brought for him. As my part time job paid me well I managed to get a watch and a couple t-shirt. I left it in the locker before we entered the class.

Time skip: end of the school

As we completed our last class Jimin came to us and pulled Taehyung and went some where to no one knows. I went to the locker and took out the gifts that I bought for Taehyung and went to the park. I waited there for 5 mins and Jungkook said that they will be here soon.


Jimin and Jungkook waved at me from a distance holding blindfolded Taehyung in between them before they bring him near I setup the candles on the cake and as soon as Taehyung opened his eyes he was suprised and burst into tears...

Taehyung POV

After the school, Jimin pulled me and started to blindfold my eyes. He did not speak a word and started to guide me somewhere. As they removed the cloth I saw Y/n with a beautiful smile painted on he face. I didn't know how to react at that moment even though I knew this was going to happen. I suddenly bursted into tears as I haven't even celebrated my birthday since my mom died and as my birthday and her last day of her life was the same. They started to cheer things up so that I don't tear up any more. 

" Taehyung-sii this is my present to you " Y/n said with such a gorgeous smile, that I will never feel bored of seeing it

" Taehyung open it fast" Jungkook cried as he was very curious about the present

I opened the present that Y/n gave me... It was a wrist watch and a couple t-shirt. I saw that the t-shirt was yellow coloured and I hated yellow but it seemed as Y/n liked yellow so much

" Wear it Taehyung!!" She said with a puppy eyes

" B--but I--- don't" I started

" If you don't wear it now... I'm never talking to you!!!" Y/n said as she walked away

As soon as she walked away, I started to wear it and she gave a slight look through the corner of the eye and suddenly turned as I noticed it. She came back automatically as she knew that I would wear it and she was right. I wore it

" Selfie!!!!!" She said, so we came together to fit in the frame.....and just that second I saw the same man with the black hoodie on the camera. So I looked back and he hid himself within the bush. I suspect who this was


After we had all the fun, I got every ones attention by standing up on the stone bench

" Taehyung-ahhh" I shouted as he was still chilling with his friends

"If I were to ........" I started feeling a bit nervous and my heart was beating so fast and I could hear it through my ear

"spell out my favorite thing and something that I never want to lose in the world, it'd spell ' Y-O-U'... I went silent for few seconds and.....

"I LOVE YOU TAEHYUNG-AHH" as I said that a tear escaped out my eye and saw Taehyung frozen in a place. Not after some seconds he came near me and lifted my by holding my waist and put my down on the ground and pulled me into a tight hug that he never want to break. We stayed like that for a minute and Taehyung was sobbing. We broke the hug as we realized that Jimin and Jungkook were was so hilarious to see they were back facing us like they didn't want to disturb us, we laughed out loud

" You may continue I'm not seeing anything" Jungkook said

" Same here" Jimin followed

" You said you're not turning...stay like that " Taehyung said pulling me closer as they started to turn their body.

" You can have that later Tae.... It's getting late and we have to go. It's getting dark" Jimin said 

We started to walk towards our home. It was really a short distance. We went inside and I tossed myself on my bed and Taehyung sat and leaned in front of me. I closed my eyes as my heart was beating so fast, like crazy. Then he told softly

" Baby... I'll soon be back. I need to go somewhere. ok? Lock the doors and be safe" Taehyung said and got up from the bed. I back hugged him 

" Come soon" I said and sat on the bed back again

Taehyung POV

After I went out on the street I busted to tears and fell weak on my knees as I thought my mom. I went to the cemetery and stood in front of my mom's memorial and said by tears rolling down from my eyes

" M--mom, this is the first time ever *sobs* that I felt happy and smiled on your death day *sobs* a--and It's all because of Y/n. I have never felt this happy in my life." I said still sobbing standing in the front. I suddenly felt that someone grabbed my hand and even before I could react she pulled my to a I realized that it was Y/n I hugged her back too, still weeping on her shoulders. She broke the hug and pulled me near the memorial and pulled me down

" Eomma.... don't worry about your son, I'll take a very good care of him. He is really very kind and soft hearted and it's my bad that only some can witness it.....including you :)" Y/n told these words to my mom and it made me cry more, she comforted me by hugging me back.  After few minutes we walked back home

As we reached our room we heard loud footsteps inside our room. I signaled Y/n to move back of me. And when I banged the door open


Chapter end

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