Chapter 21

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Next morning

I left my house at 8:30am sharp. Just as I walked on the street Tae came in his car. I saw Jimin by the side. Tae stopped the car by my side and opened the front door for me but I sat on the back seat. Jimin jumped inside the car on the front. Tae glared at him and Jimin looked at me.

"Y/n??" Jimin said

"If you don't come now...he will eat me alive" Jimin said and gulped.

"I don't want to sit near him" I said not looking him.

Tae stood like that for a few seconds and then he pulled Jimin out of his seat and put him in the driver's seat. He opened the back door and came inside.

"But...i do wanna sit with you" Tae said. I was about to go out just then he grabbed me by my waist and made me sit on his lap, wrapping his hands firmly around my hips. I could see a smile creeping on his face in the front mirror. I tried my best not to smile.

"Let's go Jimin" Tae ordered and he started the car.

"Heyyy wait up!!!" We heard Jungkook screaming his lung out from afar. He came near the car and opened the back door and saw us in that position. Me in Tae's lap and his hands around me. Jimin passed out laughing looking at Jungkook's reaction.

"What are you looking at?? Just sit with him in the front go!!" Tae said and Jungkook went giggling.

Jimin started the car.

"You got a good seat to sit Y/n" Jungkook said while looking at the mirror. Just then I realised that I was sitting on his lap for this whole time. The seats are empty near us and I was sitting on his lap. I stood up. He pulled me back.

"Why do you care?? Do you want me to put up a screen or something between you and us?? Do your own work" Tae said but Jungkook and Jimin only kept giggling

"Leave me Taehyung. I won't run away like you" I said and Tae took a glance of my face and I was smiling.

"I know you like it... Dont try to move or you will get punished." Tae said.

"Fine...I'm ready to get my punishment. NOW LEAVE ME!!" I said and finally he let me go and I sat near him.

"So you are gonna get punished... Remember" he was seeing through my eyes till I broke the contect and looked out.

After 5 quite minutes

"We are here!!" Jimin said as we arrived to the park. The same one where we celebrated Tae's birthday years ago. We walked around and found a good place to sit.

"So. Tell me where have you been" I asked Tae with just blank expression on my face. He didn't say a word for few minutes. I looked at him. He was angry.

"Taehyung??" I said and I placed my hands over his. He stopped clenching his fist.

"Minhoo" He said.

"Its all because of Minhoo!! He likes you" He said and I nodded.

"When we started to date, Minhoo would try every possible way to interfere. When we was here years ago to celebrate my birthday, you remember you saw someone in the camera with a black hoodie." Tae said.

" mean that was Minhoo who was following us all the time?" I questioned him with a doubtful look.

"Yes. I followed him but as I was about to catch him, he scratched my forehead with the stone he had." Tae said and looked at me. I was brimming with tears. I let a tear fall down. He wiped it and cupped my face.

"I chose to protect you. You never did anything wrong" He said but he did get hurt because of me.

"It started at that time and he would follow you where ever you go and who knows what he was to do if he ever catches you somewhere." Tae spoke continuosly and nervously.

With His Love (Tae FF) II COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now