Chapter 13

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After our lunch we were walking in the corridor to move to our classes, and some one pushed Taehyung from back.....and he was Min hoo??

Min hoo:' Who are you to care about Y/n?...Do you think you are her boyfriend or something??

Tae:' I already told you not to mess with me, just get out of my site when I'm being nice to you Can you?'

I just can't do any thing except to move Taehyung from that place. After we went to the class I went straight to my place with Taehyung. He suddenly spoke up

Tae:' Y/n-ah do you really not have any feelings for me?

Y/n:' But why do you bring that up so suddenly??' 

He can't even wait for another 2days to know how I feel....But this is way too intresting to do this for such a cold hearted guy. We finished our classes and we were moving back to our dorms, then Jimin said me to wait in the class after every one moved out...I wondered why?? Just then he entered the classroom

Jimin POV

Jimin:' Y/n-ah don't make Taehyung wait so much...It's been too long that we saw Taehyung really happy, only you can make that to happen!! So plz make it fast' 

 I want him to know that you like him also as soon as possible before you come to know that your best friend also liked him before she betrayed him I'm sure she will not let you have Taehyung....  

Y/n:' Just to tell this did you make me wait? You know right I'm going to tell him on his birthday'

Jimin:' Just make it fast, some things must be done faster for ones own sake......Ok see you tomorrow, BYE'


Why is Jimin being like this, I already told him that I'm going to tell him on his birthday. Anyways I'm gonna surprise him on his birthday, I just can't wait to tell him...Then I was about go to the dorm, then I saw Eun hee standing under a tree, so I thought to go home with her

Y/n:' Hey..Eun hee-ah wanna walk home with me?? I'm on my way'  

Eun hee:' Y/n-sii.... I like Taehyung, can you help me out?? Seems like you are close enough to Taehyung to help me.....will you?' 

Y/n:' wh..what?'

Eun hee:' I really like him so much.......By chance do you also like him??'

Omg...what kind of situation is this?? why out of all people should it be Eun hee. What am I going to tell her?? What should I do?? Just then I got a call from Taehyung, and I took this as an excuse to leave the place........





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