chapter 20

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Tae was walking on the hallway after seeing Y/n in the dormitory. Just then Min hoo was standing in the corner of the hallway. He signal Taehyung to come near him with his hands. Tae sighed and went near him.


"What??" Tae asked

"Where has your fear gone?? And I think you are back with y/n. I saw you both walking together yesterday. I think you are not afraid of losing it??" Tae reminded silent

"Are you going to make her get hurt because of you? You will only get to know the real pain only if you lose her. So I wont hurt you instead its y/n. Do you think you can protect her all the time like you always did?? " Min hoo said but Tae didnt speak anything but he closed his fist till his nails pierced into his skin and bleeding. He was so angry.

"Why are you doing this?? Tae asked still in anger.

"I WON'T LEAVE ANYONE HAVE WHAT I WANT!!! EVEN IF I DON'T GET IT!! I WON'T LEAVE YOU TO BE WITH Y/N" Tae was about to beat him up. He pulled him by his collar then he saw me coming.

" Its Taehyung...but i guess he is busy with someone. Lets go" I said to Herin but then suddenly Tae called me. We went to a place where no one expect us.


"Forget about me y/n. You are not suitable for me" I was deaf by those words. I hugged him. I couldn't control my tears. I said to him not to go anywhere as I felt like he was going to disappear all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry y/n" those were the last words and he broke the hug.

"Can't you stay by my side??" I said with my eyes brimming with tears.

He was about to go but I caught his wrist. I saw his hands and it was bleeding.

" are bleeding. I'll clean it for you" I said still trying to stop crying. He insisted on going but I took him to the nurse room.

"Does it hurt??" I asked and looked at him. He was staring at me the whole time but as I looked he turned.

"Why did you say that?? I know that you didn't mean it...but--"

"I really meant what I said" he said with out letting me complete my sentence.

"Taehyung I dont know why you said but I'm sure you didn't mean it. I won't let you go once again. Once is enough for me" I said with a tear falling unable to hold it in.

"What ever you say my feelings will always remaind the same"

I wrapped a bandage around his wound and without a second sight he left the room. I sighed. Sat down with a thud. I wanted to be alone to process things.

After a solid one hour. I gather myself up and walked to the dormitory. I fell flat on my back over my bed and stared at the empty ceiling.

The words Taehyung said to you kept lingering in my mind

"No one ever loved you as much as i love you"

"You must forget about me y/n"

A tear escaped my eyes and soon my pillow was flooded with tears. My thoughts were scattered.

I wish he could tell me the reason why is he doing all these??

In the morning I woke up just to see my eyes really puffed. I couldn't open them and I felt my body became so weak.

"Come on y/n....huhh?? You are burning like hell y/n!! Your temprature is freakin high" Herin touched me and shouted.

"You better take a leave" Herin suggested me but I dont want to be inside these four walls. I wanted some fresh air.

With His Love (Tae FF) II COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now