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When I was chatting to my mom about my school, when...............a letter arrived to my home. When my mom went to get it, she came back with a sad face...

Y/n:" what happed to you mom?? Why do you look so sad??" She didnt answer me but showed me the letter... as i read it, idk how to react to that...I HAVE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE HOME TO STUDY... just then i got a call from jimin and he said

Jimin:" hey Y/n did u see the letter from our school???" He asked excitedly
Y/n:" yes?? But why are you so excited about that?"
Jimin:" It was my dream to live alone in the dorms and study with some roommates"
Y/n:" ok..ey bye!" I said and hung up

My mom was really worried that i have to be seperated from her to continue my studies....she also lost my father to an accident in his work area. but she was willing to send me...

Time skip: the next day

I packed my things to move to the dorm. I met jimin on my way to school.

Jimin:" aren't you exited to learn in the dorms with your roommates??" He asked without looking at me, jumping in excitement..

I looked at him worried... as i dont have any friends exept jimin and jungkook. I wished i was a roommate with them.....But things didn't go as i planed

Time skip: in the classroom

The teacher was announcing tbe i was sitting next to Tae without any reaction.....when the teacher said out our both the names next to each other. My eyes widen!! And his also!!

We both looked at each other disgustingly at the end of the class

After the class i went to talk to jungkook and jimin.

Y/n:" Hi guys"
Jimin:" hey Y/n..whats up"
Y/n:" do you think it will be okey for me and Taehyung sharing a room??" I asked and a awkward silence followed.

Jimin:" You must get going" he said with his head down
Jungkook:" yeah y/n" he followed

It was our time to go to the dorms.....I sighed and went.

Taehyung POV

I was in deep thoughts when i reached home to last day...i didn't sleep the last night by thinking about Y/n. I think I have feelings for her.....

End chapter
____________________________________________ This is the longest chapter i have written...hope you all like it Army💜💜

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