Chapter 7

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Taehyung POV

We moved to our dorms, when I saw Y/n entering the room. I had a mess of my clothes and my belongings scattered all around as I entered the room earlier .I made way for her to walk inside by picking them up...when.......She suddenly tipped of the bags and was above to fall.......when I held her by her waist....

Y/n:" (in tae's hands) Why are you having the room in such a mess!!!!??...NOW LEAVE ME DOWNNN!!!" she shouted at me. 

at that moment I didn't get mad at her...but was staring at her beautiful features in her face

I made her stand on the floor

Tae:" Why can't you just see what is in front of you and walk???" I asked her with a fake anger on my face.....She didn't talk anything and went to her bed

After a few minutes I saw her sound asleep......She was really soo cute when she slept

________________________After few hours


I woke up after the long hours of sleeping.........still feeling sleepy. Then I noticed Taehyung playing with his phone. I went to the bathroom grabbing my outfits , went to wash my face and took a quick shower. I got ready to go for a walk, as I taught I need some fresh air....

 I got ready to go for a walk, as I taught I need some fresh air

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(You changed into this :)

When I was on the door....I felt an arm wrapping around my waist!!!!. As only Taehyung and myself are sharing a room it may be non other than Taehyung. I turned around....

Y/n:" Why are you doing like this Taehyung??? please don't touch me.......I' afraid" I said when my voice cracked 

Then he gently carried me over his shoulders and put me on my bed. I was super shocked!!!!. He started to talk without leaving me to talk

Tae:" Y/n....I THINK I LOVE!! I don't 'think'....... but 'I LOVE YOU'"

The Taehyung I used to know, faded away....he was a whole new guy!!!!!

Y/n:" What??? are you serious"

Tae:" Yeah......."

Y/n:" But...umm... let me think about it" I said and rushed out of the room without a second sight. 

I went straight to the park, which was near the dorm. I sat there thinking about Taehyung. Multiple thoughts where on my mind like ' how has he changed so much??' and ' Is he really serious about what he said??'. 

I sat in the park too long and I decided to return to the dorm. When I returned back, I saw Taehyung sleeping like a baby while hugging a pillow in his arms.... I covered him properly with the blanket and went to my bed to sleep.....(But I actually couldn't sleep because of what Taehyung said................). I finally slept 

End chapter____________________________________________________________________________________________________(A/n) I have used most of the exclamations in this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Luv you guys soo much-> BTS and ARMY 

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