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Y/n's POV

As jungkook finished showing me around the school, he went leaving me in the hallway as taehyung called him...jimin kissed me bye and followed jungkook......
I went to my locker and kept my bag in and took my books for my first class and left

In the classroom

When i entered the class and greeted the teacher. She said me to take an empty seat which was...........Near i didn't talk a word until he spoke up

Tae:" HEY YOU!!!!"
I got scared and jumped off my chair. He starred at me with his cold eyes with anger. The whole class looked at us.But soon he calmed down and I slightely smiled at him through the corner of my mouth (don't know why i smiled at him although I hate him.... m..a.y be??)

As i was the maths class going on i didn't know how to proceed the was really hard. Then i soon moved to my dreamland. After some time i felt someone's touch on my shoulders

Tae:" Excuse me?? Are u asleep?? Is maths too much boring?? Umm...what's you name??" He asked lying beside me on my table....

I opened my eyes and stared through his eyes...then my gaze moves to his nose..and and then to his lips....(He was soo hot and cute...i blushed☺)
I then came back to reality and answered his question as he was still looking at me

Y/n:" yeahh...taehyung. ahh.. ummm..yeah my name is Y/n"

I was surprised at his deep and low voice..but it was just for a minute...just then when his arrogant face popped into my mind. I was happy to see this taehyung...than that.

(Mind voice...)

I wish he will be like this forever♥️

End chapter
________________________________________________________ Meet you all in the next chapter.....readers please comment a person to be taken as the anti- hero of this story😉
Luv u all💜💜

With His Love (Tae FF) II COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now