Chapter VI: So be it

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P H I L I P ' S P O V:

"Haaa..~" We broke off the kiss, I wish I could say that would be the end of it, but Spain's hands started to roam.

A deep blush on his cheeks as he keeps our eyes locked "S-...Spain..?" He smiles and leaned closer, I could feel his hot breath on my skin

I flinch when I start to feel his tongue on my skin "S-Spain-!" I yelped when he immediately bites down

I N D O ' S P O V:

After Monaco and I kissed, we just sat back down on the chair and chatted.

He was pretty laid back, but also very troublesome. Maybe that's why he gets sent into detention every week...


Once detention ended, I got out of the classroom and saw Malay waiting for me outside. He laughs and flicks my forehead, but I just rolled my eyes and continued walking while Malaysia follows behind me. "Where's Phil? Usually he'd be with you" Malaysia shrugs "I don't know...I went to his classroom, but the teacher said he didn't attend his last period." He said.

Huh, that's odd. Phil is too much of a pussy to let himself be in detention, moreover let himself skip a class. He isn't the type to do such thing, he's too diligent and punctual for that.

Maybe something happened?


M A L A Y ' S P O V:

I fall down to my knees, forehead on the cold tile as I repeatedly asked Sweden for forgiveness out of fear that she might tell her girlfriend, Thailand, what had happened.

Sweden sighs and kneels down to my level, patting my head. "It's fine Malaysia. I won't tell Thailand about what you did. Just don't do it again, okay?" She said, I nodded, lifting my forehead up from the tile, I look at her with still teary eyes. Sweden laughs and flicks my forehead "you dumbass. You should go, your friends are probably waiting for you."

Oh right, those monkeys exist.

I nodded, we both stood up from the floor and went our separate ways.

I went to Phil's classroom first since it was the closest.

I peeked in, but couldn't see Phil anywhere. I noticed that the teacher was still there, so I approached him and cleared my throat. He looks up at me, "oh, Malaysia. Is there anything that you need?" He asked, and I nodded.

"May I ask, is Philip here?" I ask

"Ah, mr Philippines..I don't exactly know where he is either. He didn't attend last period.." Huh, that's odd...

I nodded and thanked the teacher before exiting the classroom and went straight to Indo's.

Maybe he wasn't feeling well and was already back at the dorm.


P H I L ' S P O V:

I flinched when I felt Spain's hand go underneath my shirt.

Wait...this isn't right..! This is just proving what America said!

I gently push Spain away, "I-I'm sorry Spain, but I can't do it! I immediately got up and ran downstairs.
When I finally got back inside the building, I sat behind the stairs and sobbed.

He's right...I really am just a slut..

But that doesn't mean I'll stop the game. I'll continue until my heartache ends. So be it if people call me a slut. I don't care.

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