CHAPTER V: Pity Pass

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S P A I N ' S  P O V:

Last night was stressful.

When me, Indo, and Malay managed to find the series of the movie that we were watching, we were suddenly interrupted with loud and high pitched moans. I covered my ears and just continued to watch with subtitles, meanwhile the two weren't bothered at all, and their faces were flush red too.

But we still kept on watching.

And now, here we are, back at the table, eating as if last night didn't occur. But then Indo slammed his hands on the table, making us flinch. "Okay Phil, what ACTUALLY happened while doing that “project” with the twins? Huh??" Indo asked, I look to Philip who gulps.

"'s uhh..n-nothing! I swear! Eheheh..." Philip chuckled nervously, while Malay snorted, and then choked. "They were probably seducing him." Malaysia said in between coughs. I look to Philip. "Are you okay? You know you shouldn't be letting others do that to you." I said, and Philip shrugs. "I do it to them, so why not? It's only fair, and for me, the aftermath of it all is karma." Philip said and drank the juice that I had made. I hummed.

"Why do you guys even play this game when you're tired and already regretting it?" Mal and Indo didn't answer. "Because it's fun." Was what Phil said, I didn't quite believe it though. There seems to be something underneath it.

Should I pry?

M A L A Y ' S  P O V:

I sigh, now I really don't know what's going on in his head. He's really too far gone now. This is just pitiful.
I just continued to eat quietly. The silence is unnerving, before Phil cleared his throat. "Sorry you guys had to hear that last night. If it ever happens again, I'll make sure to be quiet, or just have sound proof walls installed." Philip lowers his head in shame, his face was brightening up.

Spain chuckled and ruffles his already messy hair. "It's alright mi amigo. Everyone has their urges, but, yeah. I think it's best if you just install sound proof walls." Both of them laugh, me and Indo laughed along too. "I think we should all install sound proof walls" I said, and they all nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that way if any of us decides to have sex here, none us would have to suffer to hearing it!" Indo exclaimed and we all laughed except Phil who smack him on the head. "No one's having sex in the dorm!" Phil said.

"Yeah, doing it here in the dorm sounds a bit too...risky. Let's make a “pact”  on not to do it here." Spain said, putting his hand above the table, then Phil puts his hands on Spain's hand and nods. "Hmf! Sounds good! I don't plan on loosing my virginity here in school anyways!" Phil said, Indo shrugs and agrees with it as well, we compiled our hands before lifting it up in the air, before chuckling to ourselves and continuing to eat.

P H I L I P ' S  P O V:

Having sex in the dorm is risky, but then again-...wait, no, Phil, calm your libido down. Geez.
We already made another pact, and I promised myself I won't do anything inappropriate this year, so I should just keep this hidden for myself.

Jesus Christ I'm such a mess...

What have I become?

Sighing as I'm disappointed in myself, I stepped out of my shower and continued to cry myself before getting out and changing into my uniform.

When I got out, the other three were already waiting for me. I smiled and walked towards them, and then walked out of the dorm.




When I arrived at my classroom, Australia was already there, looking at me with a grin. I gulped and just sat on my seat. I felt him shift closer to me. "Ya'know mate...running away like that was quite rude.." I gulped. "I-...I'm sorry...a-anyways, have you..decided on how we'll present the project?" I asked and smiled nervously, changing the topic since I want to forget yesterday.

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