CHAPTER I: The Kiss List

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P H I L I P ' S   P O V:

I sigh depressingly, standing in front of us is the entrance to the godforsaken, infamous, Geo Academy.

"You okay Phil? Are you feeling nervous?" My dearest friend, Indo asked with concern. Then, I felt an arm wrap around my neck. "Don't worry Phil! It's just a school!" Malaysia said, "-and we'll fucking own it!" Indo added and curled his hands into a fist with a determined look as we entered the gates.

I'm not afraid of the school... I'm afraid of the of the students here... I might end up running into someone familiar....

Geo Academy is a big school- well, that might be an understatement, Geo Academy is fuckin' ginormous! Bigger than any other international schools out there. It's way more
“special” and luxurious than any school as well. Mostly because this school was entirely made for us country representatives- okay, that's another understatement, for us countryrulers. I honestly don't know what's so special about us. Sure, we represent and rule a country, and our faces are the same as our flags, but that's just it. Other than anything else, we're normal beings too!

Anyways, enough of that. Geo Academy was only supposed to be for us countryhumans, but soon, they decided to accept cities, states, and towns! Causing for this infamous school to expand even more...

We continued to walk until finally we reached the building where our dorms are in. And this building is huuugggeeee as fuck!. I'm thankful that we're in the same dorm, but I heard we'll have another dormmate as well? I wonder who it could be...

I then felt a hand be placed on my shoulder. I look up to my left to see Indo with a concerned look. "What?" I asked. "What's on your mind?" He asked, and I tilted my head to the side. "You were so engrossed with whatever you were thinking of that you didn't even notice that you almost fell in the fountain earlier." Indo said, I only chuckled at my stupidity. "Do you really wanna know?" I asked, and Indo nodded curiously. "They're here.." I whispered. Indo was shock for a few seconds before nodding.

"Let's talk about that once we get to our dorm." He said and I nodded.

"I got the keys! Now fill me in on what you guys were talking about while we walk to our dorm!" Malay said, Indo and I both chuckled and nodded. We then reached an elevator. "What floor?" I asked and Indo looked at the paper that was given to him by the admin. "Floor 6, dorm 88" Indo said and I pressed the number 6 on the elevator.

The elevator was about to close until suddenly, two students rushed in and got in with us. They were about to press a number when suddenly they didn't. They must be on the same floor as us, the two students stood next to me, they're both very tall and one of them is wearing a weird looking hat. I look back to Indo and Malay who's eyes widened at the two students.
They must've be intimidated by their height as well..

"Hey." A deep yet soft and calming voice spoke. I flinched and looked up to my left and felt my soul leave my body as I saw who the person is. I look to my right, and I felt like I was going to faint.

Oh fuck! It's Russia and America...

Why...did... I have to stand in between of the very two countries that I'm trying to avoid?!

The elevator dinged and the doors opened, Malay and Indo managed to squeeze through America and Russia and got out first, pulling me along with them. Making the two bigger countries chuckle.

The two walked in the opposite direction, and I saw America wink at me, while Russia gave a small salute and smirked. Oh God

Hurriedly, the three of us got in our dorm, and immediately sat on the couch and started to talk.

"Okay- WTF?! Phil?? What's your ex doing here?!" Indo said and I just shrugged, feeling a little less energized now that I saw them still hurts me as I remember what America did. To cut things short, America cheated on me with Slovenia... And..alot of people said Russia had something to do with it as well.

"And most importantly; WHY DID THEY WINK AND SMIRK AT YOU?!" Indo asked. Damn, he seems more angry than I am.. Again, I just shrugged.

"Aha! I got it!" Malay suddenly shouted and slammed the coffee table. "Hm? Got what? Malay?" I asked. "I know what we're going to do for this year's kiss list!" Malay said, me and Indo looked at him with interest. "Alright, spill." Indo said, and Malay nodded and cleared his throat.

"Alright! So, this year, we won't do by sections for each semester. Instead~.....THE WHOLE SCHOOL!" Me and Indo just looked at him with confusion. "The whole school in one semester? We can't do that in just one semester, Mal." I said and Malay shaked his head. "No no! The whole school this year. Agh! Why is this so hard to explain?! Uhh..." Malay tries to explain, but instead he just made things much more confusing.

Then suddenly, Indo snapped his fingers. "Ah! So you mean that there won't be any list this year?! hunting? And the victim could be anyone? And every student in the school is included?" Indo said and Malay snaps his fingers "YES! EXACTLY!" Malay exclaimed and clasped his hands together. "But!" Malaysia added. Oh no... Here comes the but...

"Russia and America will be specifically Philip's victims. He can still go for the others, but those two are specifically on his list. Which means neither me nor Indo can go at them." Malay said with a smirk. I just sighed and gave a weak smile. Then suddenly, Indo sighed, and it wasn't a very good one. "Why. On. Earth. Would you add them on Phil's list?! He's practically traumatized by them! Why Malay?!" Indo scolded and Malay just looked at him with an unfazed expression.

"That was years ago, Indog. This time, this YEAR! Is finally Philip's time! To make them fall for him! This is his turn to play them! Have them wrapped around his fingers! It's time they get a taste of their own medicine" Malay said. Honestly? I like it. I like this plan so much! "But!--" I placed a hand on Indo's shoulder and smirked. "It's fine Indo. If I can make an enemy my friend, then I can definitely make an ex want me back~" I said with a smirk, Indo still seemed unsure. I appreciate Indo looking out for me, it's sweet, and the expression he makes is cute and kind of hilarious.

"I like your confidence Phil. So, Game?" He asked and put his hand out. I placed my hand ontop of Malaysia's back hand. "GAME!!" "Indo?" We both looked to Indo. Indo sighed, "Game.." Indo said and placed his hand ontop of mine.





We threw our hands up in the air and laughed silly.
Then, we heard someone clap obnoxiously. We turned our heads only to see Spain...? Is he our new dormmate?
"That was truly beautiful and so heartwarming!" He said sarcastically. I groaned and the other two just glared at him. "Is this how you three plan your little games?" Spain asked. "I guess you can say that." Indo said with an angry scowl on his face.

I can already tell that this will be an interesting school year.

Can't wait to see how it'll turn out!

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