CHAPTER III: Crossed One Out

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I N D O ' S   P O V:

I was finally done doing the dishes and started heading towards my room.

"M-Malay! Stop! Indo will see..!"

I passed by Malay's room and heard Phil's voice, out of curiosity, I stopped and leaned against the door to catch what they were saying.

"Shh...don't worry, we'll be discreet." I heard Malay whisper, his voice was low.


"Just shut up and put it in your mouth already."


What the fuck?!

"See? Tastes good, doesn't it?"

"Y-yeah...very sweet actually."

"Want more?"


Bothered, I bursted through the door. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I yelled angrily at them. Both Phil and Malay choked. Their cheeks were messy and had brown powder all over it. "Wait...are you guys..." "Indo! We can explain!" I furrow my eyebrows and crossed my arms. "Malay! You're eating milo again?! And you brought Phil along with your little shenanigans?!" I clicked my tongue and marched towards them and grabbed the giant can of milo from Malay's hands who whined I looked at Phil who flinched. "Phil, go back to your room and wash that milo off your face." I said and Philip was quick to follow and fled Malaysia's room. "AND YOU!" I pointed at Malay and grabbed his used spoon and smacked his head with it. "Do you have ANY idea how expensive it is to buy these?! You can't just eat it whenever you want!" I scolded. "But-!" Malaysia tries to protest, but just shaked my head. "No. From now on, you will only DRINK Milo every MORNING during BREAKFAST." I said before leaving his room to go back to the kitchen to wash the used spoon and bring back the Milo.

I sighed in relief as I washed the spoon. Thank goodness it wasn't actually what I thought it was..or else that would've been terrible on my end... Geez.
Spain must be bothered by all the ruckus. Poor man.

P H I L I P ' S  P O V:

Awe geez...we made Indo mad again... I better apologise since Malay will be too stubborn to admit that what he did was wrong.

After washing off the milo from my face, I dried it with a towel before walking to the kitchen where, yep, I was right, Indo was there who just finished washing the spoon and is now drying his hands.
I walk over to Indo and tapped his shoulder. I feel like a kid who's approaching their mother to apologise for breaking her favourite vase.

"Oh, hey Phil. Do you need anything?"

I lay my head low, feeling guilty. "Uhm...well..I just wanted to say.." I hear Indo sigh and then chuckle and felt him pat my head. "If this is about the milo, then it's all good Phil. I'm just glad that it wasn't the other thing that I thought." He said, ruffling my hair. I look up at Indo and tilt my head. "Other thing? What do you mean?" I asked. Indo flinched and bit his bottom lip. "W-well you see...when I was walking down the hall to my room..I heard you guys..and thought Uhm..." Now it's Indo who looked like a highschool girl who's trying to confess to her crush or something.

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