Chapter IX: Move on

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P H I L I P ' S   P O V:

I smile and get off the bed, "come on then..." I hold her hand and take her out of the building.

"Wh-where are we going?" Sabah asked. I didn't respond and sinead just continued dragging her outside to the field.

N A R R A T O R:

Malaysia and Indonesia got into a fight with a few of the students, and many other students tried to stop them and pull them away from each other.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!!" Malaysia yells at a student

"WHORES!" Yelled another student.

The whole gymnasium was a mess, it was Malaysia and Indonesia against the entire school until the headmistress finally stepped in and stopped the riot in the gymn.

The headmistress demanded for Malaysia and Indonesia to follow her, they did and they went out to the field only to see Philip about to hit Sabah.


Malaysia exclaimed and stopped his friend from punching his

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Malaysia yelled, "she- SHE WAS THE ONE WHO SPREAD TUE RUMOUR!" Philip yelled back, tears started streaming down his eyes, but that didn't stop Malaysia from slapping Philip across the face.

"Go home Sabah." Malaysia said and Sabah quickly nodded and ran off. Indonesia pulled his friends away from each other as the three of them followed the headmistress.




"Oh dear Allah- I can't believe the three of you would do such things!! I thought I taught you better than this?!"

The three of them had beens sent to the headmistress's office and had ASEAN on video call since he couldn't come to the academy, so now ASEAN is scolding the three and agreed with the headmistress that the three of them would be suspended for a month to repent their actions.

I N D O ' S  P O V:

The headmistress closed her laptop while Mal and I stayed quiet. On the other hand, I can hear Philip quietly sobbing and repeatedly muttering the words ‘I'm sorry’

"Now, if there aren't any further questions, I suggest that you three pack up, go home, and come back again next month." She said, the three of us nodded and stood up from our chairs, while we had to pull Philip up and support him as we walk out of the office.

We went straight to our dorms and packed all of our things.

Maybe it's time to just give in and accept the fact that there's no way we could turn this around in our favour. Not this time.

I sigh and closed up my trolley before dragging it out of my room, I see Malaysia who's already out and packed, now just drinking his last cup of milo in the dorm.

"Where's Phil?" I ask, "probably in his room still crying." Malay sighs.

"Did you forgive him?" I ask, and Malaysia doesn't answer and tales a nother sip from his cup. I sigh and left my trolley in the living room before walking to Phil's room who's laying on his bed and clutching on to his sheets and crying like a baby.

"Phil.." I called and sat on his bed next to him and started petting his head, he sniffles and turns his head to the other side, "go away Indo!" I sigh and laid down next to him and stare at the ceiling.

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