Side story.1 - Ashamed?

490 29 24

[Oh yeah, these chapters are going to be short]

[Warning: my grammar has downgraded]

We finally arrived at Spain's house.

"Holy shit his house is huuuggeeee!!!!" Mal exclaimed, "obviously. They're rich." I shrugged, unamused.

I fixed up my shirt which is a light blue blouse. I think I might've overdressed for this party. I look so formal. Only thing left is a necktie and office pants.

"Let's go in." Nesia said. Mal and I nodded as we rang the doorbell on Spain's door.

We could already hear the loud music and people's loud cheers.

I shove my hands in my pockets and clutched tightly on the inside of my pockets to deal with my rising anxiety.

I've never really liked loud places. They make me uncomfortable and it hurts my ears.

I could feel my stomach churn, I turn my head to Indo who's heavy hand gently squeezed my shoulder. Nesia smiles at me as reassurance, I nodded and smiled back before we turned our heads back to the door as it swung open.


Spain greeted with the widest smile I've ever seen him put on. His clothes were already disheveled, his hair was messy, and in his hand is a half empty cup of (what I assume is) alcohol.

"Hey Spain! We're not late are we?" Masha asked. Spain chuckles and shakes his head. "How can you be? I didn't set a time! So no one's late!" He laughs.

Yep. He's definitely drunk.

"Come on right in!"

The three of us nodded and walked in, we were surprised by how many people were in here.

"So?!? What do you guys think?!" Spain yelled due to the loud music.

"Looks like people really like your party!! There's lots of people here!!" Malaysia yells back which made me wince.

God, I wish I wore my earplugs.

"HAHAHAHA! THANKS! I DON'T KNOW HALF OF THEM!!" Spain yelled and smiled widely before walking away and disappearing into the crowd.

I sigh, "so what do you guys wanna do-" I turn around to see that Mal and Indo were gone.
A huge wave of anxiety washes over me.
I unconsciously hug myself, a sign of self comfort, as I push my way through the crowd to look for my lovers.

"MAL?! INDO?!" I yelled, but I couldn't see either of them.

Curse my small height.

Then again, Malaysia is smaller.

I smile at the thought. It's always fun to see or meet someone who's smaller than you. It makes you feel less pathetic and more superior.

But then again, Mal tops me.

I sigh as I continued to make my way through the crowd, while occasionally getting elbowed or shoved by people.

I looked around and there were people talking, laughing, and dancing. Some of them are even making out. While I see others heading to one of the bathrooms or the rooms upstairs.

I looked around and realized that I don't know most of the people here. And that's concerning for me.

It's not that I'm unfamiliar with Spain's house, I've been here more than once. Even had a sleepover too, but the amount of people here is scary to me.

"MALAYSIA?! INDONESIA?!" I yelled again, this time their full names.
I kept looking around and unfortunately I wasn't looking straight ahead when I suddenly bumped into someone

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