🔞Epilogue: The last victim

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I N D O ' S  P O V:

A day before summer vacation.

God it's been such a chaotic ride.

But that doesn't mean it's over. There's still 4 more years into this academy before we're finally free and get jobs of our own, but, we're probably going to take on jobs under papa ASEAN's company or something.

"Hey, you done?" I turned my head to see Malaysia peeking behind the door, "yeah, I'm done. You?" He nods as a response, "by the way, Phil's done cooking." I nodded as a response before getting up.

Mal and I went yo the table and ate with Phil.

"Hey, have you guys seen Spain?" Phil asked, and I shrugged as a response and continued eating. "He went home early to take care of something, but, I did hear that he was going to throw a summer party next week at his place"

Phil perks up, "ooh! Can we come??" He asked and Mal nodded, "yeah, before he left last night he told that we were invited." Phil grins widely and nodded before starting to eat faster.

"How do you know all this Mal?" I ask after swallowing my food, "ah, well, you know. I was going to drink my last cup of milo last night and I saw Spain about to leave. He and I had a quick conversation before he left" I nodded, satisfied with the answer.



M A L A Y ' S  P O V:

After we ate lunch, Phil washed the dishes while Indo and I stayed in our rooms.

I stare at the ceiling and clutch on to the fabric of my chest. Should I..?

I bite my lip, hesitating wether or not I should do it. "What if he ends up hating me..?" I whisper to myself as I can't even process the thought of him hating me or ignoring me.

"Well, I'll never know unless I do it.." I sigh and stood up from my bed and shyly walked to the kitchen surprised to see that Indo was already making a move.

"I-Indo I don't-" he turns around to see me, "a-AH! Mal!" I walk towards them and I stand on Phil's right side while Indo was on his left, wrapping his arm around Philip's waist.

"M-mal! Indo and I were just uhm.."

I sigh and gave him a smile, "he confessed to you, didn't he?" I look up at Indo who has this cocky grin on his face that makes me want to punch him.

"H-how did you know?" He asked, I sigh and went closer to him, wrapping my arms his hips and turning him so he'd look at me, "because I wanted to do the same thing. But unfortunately he got here first." I narrow my eyes at Indo who smirks

"Oh...wait WHAT?"

Phil looks at us with confusion and as if we've gone crazy.

[Crazy for yoouu~~ yieeeee!!]

[Phil: tanginamo ka author. Ayus ayusin mo, last chapter na to]


"I-I uhm...I'd like to reciprocate your feelings but I- uhm..I-I don't know if I could choo-"

"You don't have to choose." Indo and I spoke in unison, and Phil looks at us as if we have completely lost our minds.

"Wh-what do you mean?" He asked, Indo pulls him closer, Philip's back touching his stomach.

"We're all yours little pearl"

Philip blushes but looks at us with sad eyes and tears forming at the corner or his golden orbs. "B-but won't the two of you get hurt?"

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