CHAPTER IV: Turntables

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[A/N: ^Image of Bahrain. I wanted to make her a little chubby or overweight, but I obviously failed at it. Also, for any of my Muslim readers( if there are any ), I am so sorry if the *hijab isn't right, or if there are any inaccuracies in my shitty "drawing". ~SHO]

T H I R D P E R S O N:

The three panted as they finally reached their dorm and locked the door tight.

"I think...we lost him.." Philip said as he walked to the kitchen to drink some water.
Meanwhile, Malaysia is pissed as fuck and managed to slam Indonesia against the door."YOU ASSHOLE! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Indo's eyebrows furrowed and pushed Malaysia off of him. "Dumbass! I did nothing! It was Netherlands!" Indo yelled back, groaning as he also went to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water, Malaysia did the same and followed Philip to the living room.

Philip was just leaning back and started unbuttoning his polo before taking it off, leaving him in his tank top that is drenched in sweat. "Alright, spill. Why was Jamaica mad?" Indo looked at him and cleared his throat. "Okay, so you see, I had Bahrain help me. She distracted Jamaica and led him to the cafeteria, after that, I started making my moves on Netherlands, surprisingly, the bitch wasn't as submissive as yesterday. Anyways, yeah, Netherlands pulled me towards him and made me sit on his lap and-" Malaysia started wheezing, interrupting Indonesia's explanation.

Indo hits Malay's arm and and eared his throat again Before continuing. "As I was saying... Netherlands made me sit on his lap, and we started making out, he was getting handsy too, and it was starting to get REAL sexual, REALLY fast." Indo said as he shivers. Malay couldn't help but laugh loudly. "OH MAN! AHAHAHAHA!!! INDO?! GOT DOMINATED?! AAAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Malaysia laughed even more.

Indo narrowed his eyes and glared at Malaysia. "What about YOU, Malay? How were things with you and ARABIA?" Indo asked, Malaysia just grinned "Easy, I just found her on the library, she was taking a nap between a pile of books, she was sleeping peacefully and I decided to take a nap with her, when she woke up, I asked her if she liked me, and then kissed her before walking away. Simple." Malaysia just grinned proudly. Indo groaned. "Eeeuuugghhh"Malay laughed for a bit before turning to Phil. "What about you, Philip?" He asked.

Philip flinched and looked at the two, he could feel his face heating up. "We-well...I was just hanging out with China and Japan..and, thing led to another and we uh...y-you know.." Philip stuttered, he was shy and sorta embarrassed, the situation still actually left him stunned.
Malaysia straights up. "No shit! Really?! You and China...f-" Before Malaysia could finish his sentence, Philip immediately shaked his head. "N-no-!! No...not like that at all! I walked away before anything else could happen... I was just stunned since I didn't know...that something like that would, happen..." Philip said, although it sounds like he's making an excuse. "Uhuh..." Indo looked at Phil with strong suspicion.

Philip huffs and stands up from the couch and walks to his room. "I'M INNOCENT! I SWEARRR!!!" He yelled and his voice echoed through the hall.
Indonesia snorted, and Malaysia chuckled. "Yeah- “innocent”. Says the one who uses seduction to lure people in" Malaysia said, and Indo laughed.

P H I L I P ' S P O V:

They're so annoying! They always think that I'd do something bad! When I actually won't! I know that they're just teasing me, but being misunderstood is one of my biggest pet peeves.

Yes, it's true, I use seduction to lure my targets in, but that doesn't mean I actually do it with them after! I'm a 100% virgin, and my intentions are always pure!

S P A I N ' S P O V:

I was just in the kitchen, and I heard everything that they had said. Well damn. This is actually quite scary...

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