The Kiss List Introduction:

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Philip: Hellloooooo!! It's me! The one and only Philippines! So today, I'm going to tell you all about the kiss list!

Malay: Just get on with it Phil!

Philip: Okay! Okay! Geez...what an impatient asshole...eugh! So anyways! Here's how it started;

The "Kiss List" was developed by Indonesia out of boredom in their last year of middle school-

Philip: Aka, 6th Grade! UwU

At first it was only Indonesia who played the game, he made the girls swoon and stole their hearts, while Philip and Malaysia gained information about them to help Indo out

Philip: And it was veeerrryyyy exhausting...trying to get the information Ú^Ù

But soon, Indo was tired of all the attention that he got. And so! He dragged Philip and Malay with him! Because what're friends for?? They either join your suffering, or watch you suffer. And Indo ain't taking none of that shit so he brought 'em along with him.

Philip: Such an amazing friend Indo is~ *Sarcasm*

Malay: *Snicker* I know right? *Sarcasm*

They counted the female students in every classroom/sections, and every day for the rest of the school year, almost all the female 6th graders were marked off of their so called "Kiss List"

And it kept on like that till 8th Grade.

Malay: In 8th grade, seeing as Phil, our little pansexual here, he suggested that we up our game

Philip: That suggestion had nothing to do with my sexuality, Malaycrap! And also, I only came out as pan. I didn't suggest that shit.

Malay: Oh right, it was me who suggested it O—O woops! Sorry!~ hehehe

So anyways—

Philip: What a weird ass bitch--

Will you let me finish?!

Philip: Right! Sorry Author ÓwÒ

*Clears throat* Anyways! As I was saying; the three upgraded from just girls, to boys as well. And, surprise surprise, Malay and Indo both came out as Bi.

But of course, the Kiss List wasn't just about kissing students that's been written off on their list, hell no! They also have to make the students fall in love with them. And they can use any tactic they want.

For example; Malaysia is a smooth talker, he captures their heart with his words. This is the tactic he often uses.

Indonesia on the other hand, he often uses gestures as his tactics.

And it was already clear that Philip has a very strong sex appeal, so he uses seduction as his method. But sometimes he uses words too. Cause he's words are as smooth as an ironing board.

Philip: Can you now please explain how the game works?

Okay, okay! Chill, I will.

So! Here's how it goes;
They gain information about every students in their batch and lists off who they think is either attractive or interesting.
Here's the last kiss list from Asia High;

•Mactan from Philippines (City)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Hard

•Bangladesh (Country)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Level: Moderate

•Mumbai from India (City)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Level: Easy

•Chennai from India (City)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Hard

•Daejon of South Korea (City)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: In denial/Closet (Gay)
Level: Easy

•Incheon of South Korea (City)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Hard

•Pyongyang of North Korea (City)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Hard

•Guilin of China (City)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Moderate

•Malacca of Malaysia (City)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Easy

•Cebu of Philippines (City)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Level: Hard

•Laos (Country)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Moderate

•Myanmar (Country)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Level: Easy

•Seoul of South Korea (City)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Hard

•Tokyo of Japan (City)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Moderate

•Surakarta(Solo) of Indonesia (City)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Easy

•Brunei (Country)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay for Phil
Level: Easy

•Singapore (Country)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Questioning
Level: Moderate

•Sabah of Malaysia (State)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Level: Hard

In every list, there should be at least 2-3 countryrulers in it. And they HAVE to do it in order! The last kiss list was full of cities because the others, such as states and towns already got marked off of the list. They're also not allowed to write down a country, or a city, or a town, or a state's age. Well in this universe, no one is really allowed to say, guess, or write down they're age.

And in this year, in the school Geo Academy, the only one who has a list is Philip!

•U.S.A./America (Country)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Level: ???

•Russia (Country)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: ???
Level: ???

Philip: I'm still allowed to play with others, right?


Philip: A'ight! Then! I wanna come for a bunch of countries!

Malaysia: Goodluck bro!

Indonesia: *Just woke up* What's going on?

Well! That's all for this chapter! See y'all in official chapter 2!~~

Philip: Bye~~

Malay: BYE! Come on Indo! Say bye to the readers too!

Indo: The what..? You guys are weird...

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