Chapter VII: Whispers

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I N D O ' S   P O V:

Malay and I went to his room and we both sat on his bed, "so... what is it?"

Malay sighs and looks down, fiddling with his blanket, "well..I kinda want to uhm...pull out."
I raised a brow, "pull out? From what?" Malaysia shuts his eyes tight, "I mean- I don't wanna play this game anymore! I quit! I wanna pull out!"

I stared at him for a bit, I'm not surprised or anything, I knew this was bound to happen, I sighed and patted Malay's back, "I know, and I understand." Malay lifts his head up, tears were forming from the corner of his eyes. "R-really?!" He asked, and I nodded, a huge smile formed in Malay's lips.

But before he could celebrate, I grabbed him by the shoulder and lightly shook him. "But you can't let Phil know, got it? Or else he's going to think that you abandoned him or something." Malay nodded "alright, copy that!"

I sigh and stood up, "welp, goodnight, and I'll see you tomorrow morning." Malaysia nods "goodnight!" I left the room and heard crying when I walked pass Phil's room, I walked back and placed my ear on his door, yep, he's definitely crying.

I sighed and gently knocked on his door


"Hey Phil, it's me, can I come in?" I asked. It took a few minutes before I heard a weak "yes..", I opened the door and went in before closing it behind me. I walked over to Phil who's sitting in bed while hugging a pillow and wrapped with a blanket. I sat next to him and then hugged him.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked. It took a few more minutes before Philip nodded again, "y-yeah..." He sniffles and wipes his eyes with the blanket, "Spain and I made out.." I raised a brow, "so? That's not really unusual, especially for you." I could tell that what I said didn't help because now he started crying even louder

"I-Im sorry-" I apologized, and Phil only shaked his head and buried his face on his pillow before saying something. But I couldn't quite hear it because it was muffled by the pillow. "I'm sorry what-?" I asked. Phil lifts his head up, "I said you're right! It's not unusual for me to make out someone! Because I'm a slut!"

My eyes widened, "I-I'm sorry what?" I asked, "America is right, Indo. I am a slut. An attention seeking slut. And me making out with Spain only proves his point even more! And what you said is a perfect example of who I am!" I sighed and hugged him while rubbing circles on his back, "no it isn't."

"Oh? So you don't think that I like attention?"


"You don't think that I only do this for the attention?"


"You don't think that I'm a slut?"

I do

"Fucking liar." Philip said as he pulls himself away from me, I sighed, "I'm not lying Phil." "You're the only one who's lying to yourself. If you don't care about America anymore, then why are you still affected by the things he tells you?" I asked, and Philip shuts his eyes closed and clutches on his pillow tightly.

"Because! I lied! I care! I care a damn lot! I care about every single thing he tells me!" This pisses me off so much. "Why?" I asked, Phil begins to sob again, "I don't know... I just...feel hurt.."

I sighed, "then would you like to pull out of the game?" I asked, Phil shaked his head. "No!" I raised a brow, "why not?" I asked, "b-because! Then it would mean th-that you'll do the game all alone! A-and I don't want you to g-go through this all alone!" He said, but I don't really believe it.

It's too much bullshit. Philip is lying through his tears. I don't even want to do this game anymore. "Are you sure?" Philip flinched and looks up at me, "wh-what do you mean?" He asked, "are you sure that's the reason why you still want to go on?" I asked, and Phil nods, "y-yes." I sighed, "alright then."

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