Side story.1 - Summer party

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[What? You thought that was the end? Nah.]

"Are you ready?"

"Fuck yeah!"

Mal and I yelled in unison. We're heading to Spain's summer party, and papa ASEAN let us borrow one of the cars, and Indo is driving while Mal and I are in the passenger seat, with Mal sitting on the seat while I sit on his lap.

I giggle and then gasped when I felt his arms wrap around my torso as he pulls me closer making me sit on his crotch. "Oi! We're in a car for Allah's sake!" Indo grumbles. I giggle while Mal chuckles.

It's already been two weeks, and we've already told papa ASEAN about this weird relationship that we have, but he's the only one who knows.

Indo drives while Mal blasted some music and opened the window which I closed up again.

"Eh? Phil what's wrong?"

I shake my head and squirm around, "people might see us!"

Malay holds my hips still, "and? So what if they do? We're a couple anyways." I bite my lips not knowing what to answer, "and stop moving around! You might end up giving me a boner!"

I flinched and blush, covering my face with my hands while Mal chuckles and hugs my torso again while he places his chin on my shoulder as he coos sweet words at me.

"Stop flirting in the car, goddammit!" Indo said as he stops the car since there was traffic.

Thank God the windows are tinted.

"Ha! You're just jealous!!"

Nesia turns off the radio and glares at Mal, I sigh and reached towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry Indo, when we get home, you can flirt with me as aaaall you want!" He raises a brow, "why at home? Why not at the party?"

I pause for a moment before chuckling, "because! We'd be too busy catching up with friends! And partying!" I grin.

"Oh who gives a fuck? The only thing we'd be willing to pay attention to is you, cinta~" Malaysia coos and kisses my neck, meanwhile Indo is focused on the road ahead, his eyebrows are pinched together, is he angry?

We stayed quiet in the car the whole ride.

Spain's house was outside of the city, almost in the middle of nowhere, and it took us almost two hours to get there.

Malaysia was on his phone while I was staring out the window. When we were out of the city, I finally opened the window to get a sniff of fresh air.

I sigh and opened the radio again to listen to slow songs to ruin the awkward and tense atmosphere.

"We're almost there."

"Philip nods his head to say that he understands, and feels great euphoria now that he could finally narrate once again." I grin evilly.

"My two lovers groan in dread while I laugh maniacally at their demise — AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Goodness fuck Phil! WHY?"

"I laugh once again - HAHAH"

"Thank God you don't do this when we have sex."

"Malay stated - which gave me an idea-"


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