CHAPTER II: Let The Hunt Begin

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I N D O ' S  P O V:

Yesterday, Spain caught us planning our usual schemes, of course, Phil managed to talk and negotiate with Spain. For Spain's end, he will keep quiet, while in return, we don't include him on the list.
The negotiation was between he and Phil, and knowing Phil, he probably had his fingers crossed during the whole negotiation.

And he did..he even told us that Spain will be one of his prey.

Oh how things took a drastic turn....back then people were the ones who would use and toy with him. He was gullible and naive, even though we were already playing this game, he was still naive, and quite oblivious to the damage that others have been doing to him.

But now...oh boy. It was Phil's turn. It was like, karma had a newfound form. And that form is the Philip we know now.

I don't really like the change, but I have no choice. It's Phil's decision. And as his friend, it's my duty to support him.

But I know, WE know, me, Malay and the rest of the ASEANs...we know that the old Phil is still there buried within those thick and dense exterior.

Behind those tough exteriors is the sweet, soft, and loving Pip squeak we all knew and loved is still there. But of course, we love this Pip too. Changed or not, Pip is still Pip.

But I blame America for this drastic change.

Getting up, I yawn and stretch my arms and back backwards as I groggily walked towards the bathroom, not even minding my messy bed.

I went to the bathroom and splashed my face with water before drying my face and getting out of my room.

I'm just walking out the hall of where our rooms are, yet I can already hear Phil and Malay's arguments from the kitchen

They're probably fighting over on what to cook. As per usual... Sigh

I've reached the dining room, which is also the kitchen, all in one.
And I was right. Malay and Phil were arguing over what to cook. I sit beside Spain who was watching them argue while sipping his coffee. It was obvious that he woke up from the two's loud argument.

"Are they always like this?" He asked, and I nodded. "Yep. Every morning...don't worry, you'll get used to it eventually." I said. Spain nodded and sipped his coffee. "Well I hope I get use to it fast or else this'll be living hell for me" He said, I nodded.

Getting up from my chair, I grabbed a mug and poured myself some of the coffee that Spain made. Feeling slightly energized, I placed my mug down on the table and pushed the two away from each other. "Go sit down. I'll cook breakfast." I said, the two whined. Malay may be the smartest of our trio, but he's not the most responsible and mature. Phil is...well, Phil. He's smart, and responsible, but he's also a bit reckless and too carefree.

Sometimes I think I'm the only normal one in our group..

S P A I N ' S   P O V:

Indonesia started cooking breakfast, while Phil and Malay sat from across each other, discussing their tactics for this so-called game they made.

I had a few friends who went to Asia High last year, they were new students there. And they told me that something weird was going on in the very first week ( we always kept in touch ), and I asked them what type of weird, and they said that students were becoming giddy and started pampering themselves.

Not just girls, but boys too. They were making sure that they looked good, smelled good, and everything like that. Of course, I didn't care.

Until one of my friends said that there was some kind of game? The game was only played by these three ( Malay, Phil, and Indo )
I asked them what kind of game it was, and he said he didn't know. All he said is that it was something having to do with them making students fall for them.

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