Side story.1 - road trip // pt.1

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[Please beware of errors and typos]

Once Malay's fever was down, and Philip's hangover was fully gone (America informed me (again) that Philip's hangovers could last a few days, depending on how much he drank) we set out on a road trip all over UN island. We're going to camp out too which is why papa ASEAN gave us permission to use our minivan.

And this time, Malaysia's the one who's driving.

"I can't wait to camp!!" Philip said excitedly, jumping and squirming on my lap. I chuckle and rest my elbow on the car's window sill and resting my cheek on my palm as I watch Philip. He's so cute on my lap (given the fact that I'm taller than the three of them)

"Philip! Don't jump on Indo's dick!" Malay yelled making me laugh. "E-eh??" Philip's face flushed, I smile and wrap my free arm around Philip's waist. "Don't mind him pearl. He's just jealous." I grin, glancing at Malay who's face I red from anger.

"I'M NOT JEALOUS!" I chuckle, "then why is your face red?" I smirk. "It's because of the heat!" Phil and I chuckle at Malaysia's demise. "Oh don't worry cinta, I love you both equally! And you two should really stop turning this into a competition." He sighs.

I roll my eyes while I could see from my peripheral, Malaysia slumping from his seat. "Yes cinta/pearl" he giggles and leans his head on my chest.

"Good, now I'mma go to sleep. You guys should keep each other company." He said before yawning and closing his eyes to sleep.

Malaysia and I stay quiet for a few minutes before Malaysia glances at Phil and smiles, "you know he looks really angelic when he sleeps." I chuckle, "yeah he sure does." I smile and pat his head, leaning back on the chair so he could lay easily. I'm like a walking bean bag for him.

"We're lucky we have him." I said and Malaysia nods happily. "Yeah! Too bad we keep fighting for his affection though, but I really do feel like it's unfair." I nod. "Hm, yeah. Maybe we should set a schedule?"

From my peripheral, I see Malaysia perk up, "yeah! So like, everyday we have to switch turns??" He asks and I nod. "Yeah, Monday to Friday." I say. "What about Saturday and Sunday?" I hum, "Saturday is for the three of us, and Sunday is for Phil. So he could have a bit of an alone time."

Malaysia nods, "that's a great idea! I've noticed that Phil's been a little tired, and I feel like we're part of the reason why." I nod, "yeah, which is why Sunday, is Sunny's day."

Malaysia smiles as he continues driving, "sounds good!"




We stopped in the forest in the outskirts, we parked our minivan off the road and into the forest where there was a clearing. This place is often used for camping.

Mal and I set up one huge tent for the three of us while Phil starts the fire and cooks food.

"Hey Mal, can you pass me the nail?" I ask as I hold the last rope down to the ground. "Mal?" I look at Mal who is distracted.

"Mal!" I shout. Seriously, how is he still not noticing me? His attention is somewhere else. I look to the direction that he's staring at, and I see Philip bent over trying to start the fire. But the asshole wind keeps blowing it down.

Malaysia whistles loudly, "you look cute in that position cinta!" Malaysia smiles like a sick pervert, making me cringe and throw a rock at him.
"Hey!" Finally, he notices. "Pass me the nail and hammer, please." The please was sarcastic.

Mal sighs and finally gives me the nail and hammer and I finally manage to nail the last rope for the tent. After that, Mal and I finally approach Phil who finally got the fire started and is now starting to fill up the pot with water before placing it on top of the fire, with its handle hanging steadily on the four sticks tied together.

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