Chapter VIII: Autumn ball

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P H I L I P ' S  P O V:

"But who would even do this?" Malaysia asked.

"I...I might have a few persons of interests in mind.." I spoke, my friends turned to me, "who?" They asked in unison. I cleared my throat and gulped the huge lump in my throat, my mouth feels dry but I force myself to speak anyways. " first guess is America...second is Spain...third is New Zealand and Australia...and then possibly Jamaica...these are the people whom we've crossed paths with and didn't end on good terms.." I said, and they both nodded.

"Maybe..wait- SPAIN? You crossed out Spain?!" Malaysia asked. Oh yeah, I didn't tell him. "Y-yeah...yesterday..." Indo sighs, "I have huge doubts that it's him though." Indo said, and I nodded, "why? Phil broke their “deal” so Spain now has free will to no longer keep quiet."

I sighed and and laid my forehead on the table, "you do have a good point, Mal." Indo said, "of course I do!" Mal exclaimed pridefully.

I sigh and groaned. Why did it come to this?




S P A I N ' S  P O V:

Our class ended late, so I just ran from the building all the way here to our usual spot and I see my friends chatting away.

"Sorry I'm late haaaahh..." I panted, hands on my knees as I crouch. "It's alright Spain" China said. Once I was done catching my breath, I sat on the bench and looked at Phil and his friends' spot. "Oh, did they already finish?" I ask, but they all shrugged.

"I dunno mate, they didn't show up. They must've ate at another spot." Australia said, and I nodded. "But why though?" I asked, they loved that spot. I even hear Malaysia boasting about it.

"Those whores must've been ashamed." Japan said, I flinched and looked at him, "what do you mean?" America groans, "God Spain! You're already living with them and yet you still don't know?" He asked, I tilted my head to the side. What's he talking about?

Canada sighs, "rumours had been-" "have, Canada" "shut the fuck up America. You're not the original English country. You don't even have an official language!" "....just continue." Canada groans after their small exchange of words.

"Anyways, rumours HAVE been going around about a game-" I flinched. How did they...? "Game??" I asked, hoping that it's a different type of game.
Canada nodded and continued, "yes, a game where they make a bunch of people fall in love with them and then break their hearts. Sources claimed that it was Philippines who invented this game."

Okay, the last part was bullshit. They explained to me that Indonesia was the one who invented the game.
But regardless of my knowledge, I just nodded and went along with it, I heard America scoff when Canada said that it was Phil, did he already know about the game too?

"Are we even sure that this is true? I mean, it's a rumour, so there's like, a 40-45% of this actually being true, who was even the source?" I asked, wanting to know who it was. Because, it couldn't have been me, I was faithful to my promise.

"Someone from Asia High, where they came from." Japan answered, "who?" I asked, but they all shrugged. Asia High is miles away, how did it even reach here?

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