Chapter 4

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When people break up, they either celebrate or cry into their pillow for two weeks straight.


I write about two h o t anime bois whacking each other with pointy iron sticks.

"Nice hit, Ei!"

The redheaded alpha looked up, grinning widely as he saw both his mates standing in the entrance to the training ring.

Kirishima winked at them, then ducked underneath the wild overhand cut coming his way. Stepping backwards, the alpha used his opponent's momentum to push him forward.

His opponent went sprawling on the floor, but was up in an instant, sword in hand. Kirishima bent his knees, twirling his own sword expertly in a one handed grip.

"Alright, Sero," Kirishima grinned, stepping forward. "Let's see that new move you've been working on!"

The opponent, Sero, shrugged his shoulders back nervously. "Ah, I'm still working on it!" the black haired beta complained. "I still can't get the footwork down!"

"Come on, Sero!" Kirishima begged, putting on his best puppy eyes. "Just this once, then we can take a break!"

Sero grumbled to himself, most likely something about him being unable to refuse his king, but took up a fighting stance.

Kirishima whooped excitedly, getting into his own stance. He spun his sword around, waiting for the attack.

With a cry, Sero charged forward, his sword held out to the side. His body angled towards Kirishima's left side, but lightning quick, Sero tossed his sword to his left hand, and chopped down onto the alpha's right side.

Kirishima, with a grunt of surprise, brought his sword up to shield the deadly blow. But as quick as the sword swipe came, it suddenly pulled back!

Sero quickly maneuvered his sword to slash at the alpha's legs, recovering in the blink of an eye as the king leapt back in surprise. The black haired beta charged forward again, pressing his advantage.

This time, Sero thrusted his sword right at Kirishima's shoulder, and the alpha brought his sword up to knock the other sword away.
Sero gave way to the other sword easily, and then tossed it back into his right hand. He made an underhand side cut at the king's side, but was again stopped by the alpha's blade.

Lightning quick, Kirishima slapped the flat of his blade against Sero's exposed forearm, causing the beta to yelp in pain and drop his sword. He froze as he felt cold steel rest on the side of his neck.

"Nice job, buddy!" Kirishima said cheerfully, not lowering the blade. "You almost had me there!" the alpha moved his sword to lightly tap against Sero's chest and sides. "But you're keeping yourself too open with the hand tossing. Work on that, okay?" and with that, the redheaded king sheathed his sword in one, swift motion.

"Yes, sir!" Sero saluted, smiling despite his loss. He retrieved his sword from the ground and moved off to join the sparring sessions between the other guardsmen.

Kirishima handed his sheathed sword to a nearby servant, the smile never leaving his face. He jogged over to where his mates were waiting, joyful pheromones radiating off him.

"You handsome babies took your sweet time," he teased, swinging an arm across Bakugo's shoulders and ruffling Izuku's hair affectionately. "You should've seen me earlier, I wiped the floor with some of Todo's guys,"

"I totally forgot he was coming today!" Bakugo groaned. Then he continued in a much lower tone, so Izuku couldn't hear. "I think we need to keep Half and Half away from Izu. He's anxious right now, due to him being an alpha,"

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